SarahPAC steps into the big leagues


Well-Known Member
It may be early in the game, but Palin should be considered a serious player.

A new financial report filed Sunday evening showed Sarah Palin’s political action committee has taken its fundraising to a higher level – and suggests that she has begun building a more sophisticated political operation in place of a bare-bones organization powered mostly by her rock star status and scrappy on-line presence.

In short, for the first time since the 2008 campaign when she was the vice-presidential running mate to GOP presidential candidate John McCain, Palin is supported by a political operation befitting someone considering a presidential run.

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Now, of 0bozo isn't forced to resign or get impeached in the next 2 years, or if he hasn't decided that the job kinda cuts into his time on the links, he may be on the dim ticket....


Well-Known Member
I'm just tire of a ticket that looks like the only choice is the lesser of 2 evils.

It may not do any good, but I may be looking 3rd party again.


i wonder if she'd be a "serious player" on jeopardy.

nah, she's probably more like wheel of fortune material.


Well-Known Member
1) Why would Obama be impeached or resign?
2) I hope the R's are stupid enough to let her try out for the presidency. FOUR MORE YEARS!! :D


Well-Known Member
1. For his breech of trust and a breech of his Oath of Office as Pres_ent of the United States of America. And....

"The job is just too hard and nobody appreciates me."

2. She has more executive experience than Hussein, Biden, and Hillary combined.


Well-Known Member
That girl is smart like a fox
she is rakin' in the cash
and won't ever have to serve in political office again
and she knows it

Go Sarah!


Well-Known Member
SarahPAC rakes in bucks for Palin's stash

At this point maybe what we need is four more years.
Once Osama has drug out this depression for 12 years
perhaps the American people would have had enough
and really start hoping for a change.

But no the Republicans will win in November and
in 2012 but will do nothing to stop this race towards
socialism we find ourselves on.

Before we know it we will have a 70% plus tax rate
Cuban medical care and be suckin’ hind tit to the Chicoms.

but you can always follow my advice:

assassinate the jigga-boo and be done with it!
Sarah isn’t ever going to be elected to anything
and really doesn’t want to be
why should she, there's more money to be had
irritating the piss out of stupid Liberals.


Well-Known Member
Because he will continue to attempt to completely destroy it
and that may lead to people finally waking up and
quit being slow boiled frogs.

If the Republicans get in power, they will only continue the process
albeit at a slower pace.

Mark my words, Osamacare won’t be repealed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah see that’s so racist not every
Canadian Aboriginal is anti-American just Bishy!


Well-Known Member
I think that any attempt to place Palin v/ Obama in any election would automatically lead to an Obama victory.

no bish, unfortunately at this point the GOP could run pretty much anybody,
and they'd win against Obama.

That's why I'm not holding out much hope that they will give us the best choice.


Well-Known Member
The GOP is fragmented. You can put that on the head of the TEA party people. The GOP could run anybody and they'd lose, because there is no concensus.


Well-Known Member
I surely hope All the libs believe that, and continue to.
I expect they do, and will.:hairbang:

'underestimation is our friend'