Save our basement

my last post in this thread made me "resign from my job!" (we all know what that's secret language for!)
so long, crappy job at which i was miserable! time to get a job with benefits and be a grownup and whatnot.


actual snippet of conversation:
boss lady: "how do you think that makes the integrity of the court system look in the eyes of the public?"
me: "well, no offense, but it IS true!"
I still can't believe those crazy asses were stalking you on OTC.

They need to get a life.

Or laid.

Or something.
Unfortunately, it's a reality these days (employers keep tabs on their employees via the internecks). So no goat sex if you're posting under your real name!!
But the funny thing is I didn't post it at work!
Best I can figure, after the drama back in early feb that had me asking fury to remove my full name from all my old posts because they showed up in google, they've been just trolling places they know or think I go, and stalking me.

Your tax dollars at work!
At my next job, I'm not going to let people know I have any internet presence. I have a very distinctive name, and when I'm googled, all that shows up is my name from when it was printed in a local newspaper when I graduated high school.
No one needs to know about my site. my livejournal, myspace, and facebook are all friends-only, and I don't need to add anyone I work with... even if they search for me by name, all they'll find is a picture, a tagline, my location, and a message saying they need to be my friend to see more.
Why does a coworker need to be that kind of friend? You see them every day; I saw my coworkers more than I saw my real friends. They don't need to be my online chums.