Save the world, stop global warming. Simply cut down the trees.


Well-Known Member

CO2 good for forestry industry…

Writing in the current issue of the journal Global Change Biology, Michigan Technological University Professor David F. Karnosky and colleagues from two continents present evidence that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere act directly to delay the usual autumn spectacle of changing colors and falling leaves in northern hardwood forests.

“Basically, this is a good-news story for our region’s forests,” said Karnosky. “It suggests that they will become a bit more productive due to the extra carbon being taken up in the autumn, along with the increased photosynthesis throughout the growing season.”

Don’t forget that Northern Hemisphere forests cause global warming…aaaahhhhh!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
By Steven Milloy

If you need further evidence that hysteria is outpacing science in the global warming debate, consider the study published this week about Northern Hemisphere forests actually causing significant global warming.

Researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reported in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (April 17) that while tropical forests exert a cooling influence on global climate, forests in northern regions exert a warming influence — and it’s not just a trivial climatic effect.

Based on the researchers’ computer modeling, forests above 20 degrees latitude in the Northern Hemisphere — that is, north of the line of latitude running through Southern Mexico, Saharan Africa, central India and the southernmost Chinese island of Hainan — will warm surface temperatures in those regions by an estimated 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100.

Most of the warming is predicted to occur north of 50 degrees latitude — that is, north of the line of latitude running just north of the U.S. border with Canada, through Northern France, Northern Mongolia and Southern Siberia.

As the researchers explained in their media release, forests affect climate in three different ways: they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and evaporate water to the atmosphere (which increases cloudiness), both of which cool the planet.

Forests are dark and absorb sunlight (the “albedo” effect), warming the planet. In tropical forests, the net effect of these phenomena is cooling, while in Northern forests, the net effect is warming.

Although the media has largely ignored the study, it should give us plenty to think about.

<more> is a website maintained by Steven J. Milloy, an adjunct scholar the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute - right wing think tanks with long histories of denying environmental problems at the behest of the corporations which fund them. Milloy is also a columnist for

Milloy defines "junk science" as "bad science used by lawsuit-happy trial lawyers, the 'food police,' environmental Chicken Littles, power-drunk regulators, and unethical-to-dishonest scientists to fuel specious lawsuits, wacky social and political agendas, and the quest for personal fame and fortune." He regularly attacks environmentalists and scientists who support environmentalism, claiming that dioxin, pesticides in foods, environmental lead, asbestos, secondhand tobacco smoke and global warming are all "scares" and "scams."

Milloy's attacks are often notable for their vicious tone, which appears calculated to lower rather than elevate scientific discourse. That tone is noticeable, for example, in his extended attack on Our Stolen Future, the book about endocrine-disrupting chemicals by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and Peter Myers. Milloy's on-line parody, titled "Our Swollen Future," includes a cartoon depiction of Colborn hauling a wheelbarrow of money to the bank [1] (her implied motive for writing the book), and refers to Dianne Dumanoski as "Dianne Dumb-as-an-oxski." [2]

Prior to launching the, Milloy worked for Jim Tozzi's Multinational Business Services, the Philip Morris tobacco company's primary lobbyist in Washington with respect to the issue of secondhand cigarette smoke. He subsequently went to work for The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC), a Philip Morris front group created by the PR firm of APCO Worldwide. [3]

Although Milloy frequently represent himself as an expert on scientific matters, he is not a scientist himself. He holds a bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences, a law degree and a master's degree in biostatistics. He has never published original research in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Moreover, he has made scientific claims himself that have no basis in actual research. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, for example, he claimed that greater use of asbestos insulation in the World Trade Towers would have delayed their collapse "by up to four hours." In reality, there is no scientific basis for claiming that asbestos would have delayed their collapse by even a second, let alone four hours.[4].

What does that have to do with "Global Change Biology, Michigan Technological University Professor David F. Karnosky and colleagues from two continents" or "the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reported in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (April 17)"?

Were there misstatements in Milloy's writings which conflict with what was written in those journals by those scientists?

Milloy simply writes on the scientific findings of scientists from around the globe. Unless you can point to something other than "He's a right wing hack" then it must be supposed that he is writing about the facts as presented.

Just as your side of the ledger cherry picks scientific writings and journals for those writings which support your agenda, the folks on our side do the same thing. So how about sticking to the debate and the writings and findings instead of posting character assassination hit pieces on Wiki-based anti-smoking websites.

Remember, Al Gore is no scientist, has no scientific credentials, is a profit earning founder of a carbon offset corporation, and has written a book and released a docudrama both of which have been soundly debunked; and not just by Steven Milloy.

If you will remember, Ben & Jerry of Ben & Jerry's ice cream fame were the premier drum beaters against dioxin and how it was the most toxic substance known to man. Then it was found to be in their ice cream.
Here is something else that Milloy wrote about and posted the letter from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Look at what your guys on your side tried to do. It is absolutely laughable; and how about that name -- Sakashita.


How apropos!

HERE is a copy of the rejection letter they received.
Just as your side of the ledger cherry picks scientific writings and journals for those writings which support your agenda, the folks on our side do the same thing.

So this loon funded by corporations that have a vested interest in denying their impact on the environment will cherry pick some writings that support his position.

Then maybe I'll go find some articles that support global warming. Should be easy since there's so many more of them. Maybe something like this:

"The conclusion that global warming is mainly caused by human activity and will continue if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced has been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences,[20] the American Association for the Advancement of Science,[21] and the Joint Science Academies of the major industrialized and developing nations"

Then Gonz or someone else will say "I hate Al Gore and therefore will not concern myself with being responsible".

Then we can go back and forth while you cherry pick some article and I cherry pick some other article.

You'll continue to act like there's no reason for you to give a hit about your effect on the environment and I'll look out my window and see all the pollution that's fucking up the kids in areas around here.

Sound like a pretty boring proposition. I'm sure you have no interest in actually being open to anything resembling responsibility and would just be wasting my time.
All the while mother nature continues as she has - for eons & eons.

It's nothing persoanl against Al Gore spike...he's just the current court jester.
All the while mother nature continues as she has - for eons & eons.

The problem is she's not continuing as she has. Eons ago I don't think there was this pollution I can see driving around here. What you have there is a faulty premise.
I don't think there was this pollution I can see driving around here

The content was different but yes, there has ALWAYS been smog in the LA basin.
yeah but the effect there is obvious and proximate.

it don't matter what kinda "facts" either side on this digs up. both of youz are just looking to support a mind already made up.

though peons as apologists for the super rich... now that's certainly more entertaining.
shut up minkey.

spike...the environment has not been affected. There are still trees & water & people & birds & mountains & sky.....
That's how you measure whether there has been any effect? No wonder you don't get it.

Shit in the air is causing health problems in children. Just like shit in the ground water in other areas is causing health problems. I don't see how you can say humans can't affect the environment when they so obviously have.
Cause & effect. My lawnmowers causes lil Johnnies asthma? I thought it was X-box.
now, what could you ever have against al gore? he is such a nice, considerate fellow, with a striking sense of humility for someone of such lofty achievements.

So you're saying that Al Gore is suffering from hypoxia? :lol2: