Save the world, stop global warming. Simply cut down the trees.

You take what is said that acknowledges that most photochemical air pollution is manmade and that there are also other natural sources anfd turn that statement into "All photochemical air pollution is natural".

Where did I do that? I thought we had agreed that it's not all natural.

I didn't even post about volcanoes or how some volcanoes, like Mauna Loa, have been erupting for decades. How much nitrogen oxide, the key component in photochemical air pollution, do you think they spew into the atmosphere?

Far less than humans spew. I've looked that up before.


Why the smog sticks around

Yeah, I know why the smog sticks around. I also know what's in it. A hell of a lot of it is made by humans. Which completely shoots down your silly "humans can't affect the earth" crap.
Wrong. There are many examples of Indian tribes calling certain valleys the "Valley of the smokes" and other similar names long before the White settlers arrived.

Wait a minute. Wait just one cotton pickin minute here.

Are my eyes seeing what I think they are seeing?

Are you honestly trying to say that because Native American tribes didn't have a word for "fog", that this proves that trees cause air pollution?

Have you lost your everfucking MIND??!!

Although most photochemical air pollution (smog) comes from anrthropogenic sources, there are many natural sources of photochemical air pollution not the least of which are trees.

So that whacko who cut down the trees off public lands to improve her view actually did the planet a FAVOR??!!

I pray, please, PLEASE send me some of whatever the hell it is you're smoking.

*walks away unsure whether to crack up or send the men in the white coats*
Wait a minute. Wait just one cotton pickin minute here.

Are my eyes seeing what I think they are seeing?

Are you honestly trying to say that because Native American tribes didn't have a word for "fog", that this proves that trees cause air pollution?

That has nothing to do with native lexicon. It is a known fact that trees are a source of photochemical air pollution and I posted links to sites which discuss this. The San Bernardino Mountains north of Los Angeles are just such a place which the native tribves called the "Valley of the Smokes". The Great Smokey mountains get their "smoke" from the evaporation and nitrous oxides which come from the trees. Sunlight "develops" the nitrous oxides which makes them visible. That is why it is called PHOTOCHEMICAL air pollution. Without sunlight, the Great Smokey Mountains would just be the Great Mountains.

Have you lost your everfucking MIND??!!

Why ... no. Have you?

So that whacko who cut down the trees off public lands to improve her view actually did the planet a FAVOR??!!

No, she merely cut down three trees. The thread title was me being facetious.
Lookere Chester, I can assure you I've forgotten more about the Great Smoky Mountains than you'll ever aspire to know. I know all about its current plight with auto emissions and the effect they are having on trees above a certain elevation. I know all about the parasitic infestation that is killing every pine tree in sight. I am fully aware that the American Chestnut has been genetically resurrected and seems to be adapting every bit as well as the original, which disappeared generations ago. I know these things because I regularly contribute monies to an organization that tends to the conservation needs of the park far beyond what the warshinton gubmint does. I also live here. These mountains across the road BECOME the Great Smoky Mountains a few miles from here. I was born here, I live here, and with the grace of a loving God I'll die here. I walk among the mountains every chance I get, and while there I (hold your breath, novel idea coming) LOOK AROUND AND OBSERVE WHAT I SEE! Now calm down...I am all aware that in no way does that even come close to equalling your googling prowess. But I'm right content with it.

I still remember my fourth grade science classes too. That was afore the interweb too. I seem to recollect a lil thang called photosynthesis, and how that was right good overall fer people to have oxygen an such. I won't insult your can google photosynthesis and read 482 pages about it sometime and eventually see whar trees do that.


You could let go of your coworkers one day and take your happy ass to a forest and breathe. It's possible you might determine that the air smells a might cleaner there. Or not.
Hey! The gubmint will tell you how to spell it!

subversive bastich

There is, after all, a Smokey the Bear. :lloyd:
Lookere Chester, I can assure you I've forgotten more about the Great Smoky Mountains than you'll ever aspire to know. I know all about its current plight with auto emissions and the effect they are having on trees above a certain elevation. I know all about the parasitic infestation that is killing every pine tree in sight. I am fully aware that the American Chestnut has been genetically resurrected and seems to be adapting every bit as well as the original, which disappeared generations ago. I know these things because I regularly contribute monies to an organization that tends to the conservation needs of the park far beyond what the warshinton gubmint does. I also live here. These mountains across the road BECOME the Great Smoky Mountains a few miles from here. I was born here, I live here, and with the grace of a loving God I'll die here. I walk among the mountains every chance I get, and while there I (hold your breath, novel idea coming) LOOK AROUND AND OBSERVE WHAT I SEE! Now calm down...I am all aware that in no way does that even come close to equalling your googling prowess. But I'm right content with it.

I still remember my fourth grade science classes too. That was afore the interweb too. I seem to recollect a lil thang called photosynthesis, and how that was right good overall fer people to have oxygen an such. I won't insult your can google photosynthesis and read 482 pages about it sometime and eventually see whar trees do that.


You could let go of your coworkers one day and take your happy ass to a forest and breathe. It's possible you might determine that the air smells a might cleaner there. Or not.

Lived in logging territory when the trucks would come through with one log on them. Worked for a short time in a mill. Been there, done that.

The term is "tree banking" of CO2.

However, it isn't as wonderful as the enviros would make you think it is.

Did your studies in photosynthesis also tell you what happens to all of that CO2 the trees absorb when the leaves fall off and decay at their base? Did they tell you what happens after that tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it? Where the CO2 in that tree goes as it decays?

And the news gets worse ... & trees_New Scientist 10-27-2007.pdf

Did your lessons in photosynthesis tell you about what happens at night and why hospitals used to remove the flowers from hospital rooms at night; and some still do? Are you also familiar with the term "transpiration"?

You may find this article interesting as well.

By the way, I don't use Google. Copernic is far superior.
You went still one step lower and sniveled about a numeric miskey in another thread. Congratulations.
Pointing out an error in the middle of a sentence making another large point, or pointing out the error and nothing else... it's all the same to you. Pointing out such an error makes the entire rest of the post disappear, obviously.

I guess you forgot about all the times you would point out errors like that when you first joined here. The rest of us remember.
jimpeel said:
Did your studies in photosynthesis also tell you what happens to all of that CO2 the trees absorb when the leaves fall off and decay at their base?

Having grown up in the middle of the woods, with a garden, and also farming on my grandmother's 76 acres, I picked up a thing or two about leaves along the way.

I don't suppose you'd be familiar with the term "compost" would you? You oughta be, yer full of it...but I digress. I guess you'd adopt the "leaves are bad, m'kay" stance because, let's face it...every consumer who uses these leaves for compost, or who does what I do and till them directly back into the garden spot to enrich the soil, is one more person who ain't standing in a 2/3 mile line at WalMart to BUY "potting soil" from your smiling countenance. I don't reckon you'd have the first clue what's actually IN them bags of dirt y'all sell the stupid $4.97 a pop. Lemme give you a hint,'s dirt, with DECAYED LEAVES.

So the next time you feel the need to display your monumental ignorance in the name of indignation, may I suggest


Or at least, save it for the single-digit IQ denizens who populate your place of employment. On both sides of the blue vest.