Well-Known Member
Having grown up in the middle of the woods, with a garden, and also farming on my grandmother's 76 acres, I picked up a thing or two about leaves along the way.
I don't suppose you'd be familiar with the term "compost" would you? You oughta be, yer full of it...but I digress. I guess you'd adopt the "leaves are bad, m'kay" stance because, let's face it...every consumer who uses these leaves for compost, or who does what I do and till them directly back into the garden spot to enrich the soil, is one more person who ain't standing in a 2/3 mile line at WalMart to BUY "potting soil" from your smiling countenance. I don't reckon you'd have the first clue what's actually IN them bags of dirt y'all sell the stupid suburbanites...at $4.97 a pop. Lemme give you a hint, Elmo...it's dirt, with DECAYED LEAVES.
So the next time you feel the need to display your monumental ignorance in the name of indignation, may I suggest
Or at least, save it for the single-digit IQ denizens who populate your place of employment. On both sides of the blue vest.
Since you chose denigration instead of an answer let me tell you what happens to all of that CO2 those leaves have absorbed. It is released back into the atmosphere, a natural cycle that is also part of photosynthesis.
The waste product of plants during the night is NOT O2; it is CO2.