School shooting in Cleveland


New Member
Not many details yet.

At least two people and perhaps as many as four were wounded Wednesday in a shooting at SuccessTech Academy, a high school in downtown Cleveland, according to reports.

Two students were taken to hospitals, said Andrea Jackson, press secretary for Cleveland's mayor. One was taken out of the school on a stretcher but was conscious.

Police are looking for a 14-year-old male in connection with the shooting, according to reports.

Cleveland fire, police and EMS are at the scene, as is Mayor Frank Jackson.

CNN affiliate WKYC reported four were wounded
The topic of school shootings pisses me off to no end. People are always like omg EVIL PERSON SHOOTING INNOCENT PERSONS! No.

Maybe not every case, but most of them are kids that are just sick of other kids' shit. That's all there is to it. Yeah, you'll all say you know and have been through the worst high school years *ever* and you never thought about it, blablabla. If you never thought about it, you didn't have it as bad as others. In my senior year, after crying to the principal three times, he pulled some strings and had me only going til noon because he knew I was at my breaking point.

School shootings are sad things, but more for the shooter than the victims, because though the victims will recover and get all that oozing attention for being a *survivor*, the shooter will be thrown in jail and not given a second thought... but if someone had fucking caught on and gave a shit before, it would have been prevented.
School shootings are sad things, but more for the shooter than the victims, because though the victims will recover and get all that oozing attention for being a *survivor*, the shooter will be thrown in jail and not given a second thought... but if someone had fucking caught on and gave a shit before, it would have been prevented.

Please...see a shrink...soon.

For anyone to say that someone who walks into a school (or anywhere else for that matter) and commences to shooting other human beings because he/she has problems they can't deal with is more to be pitied than the people who got shot is...twisted. I don't think the DSM has a name for what ails a person who could think like that.

I am being 100% serious here. Please see a doctor asap. That isn't an attack, it's genuine concern for your well being.
I don't think he was too serious as he didn't follow up and make sure that he killed his targets. I remember a kid here in Atlanta that pulled out a gun shortly after Columbine, fired a few shots, and then just surrendered in tears without ever really shooting at anyone... of course bringing a gun to school and popping off a few rounds earned him the big house after a long rest in a rubber room.
You may be right there ink, we still haven't perfected bringing back gun-shot riddled corpses from the dead.

And I think it's kinda icky that you chose to "rebel" in a thread started about people gunned down. Shouldn't this be about mourning the victims? Well, your prerogative, Error. And before you go on about suffering at high school, well so what? I got a few stories as well. I'm sure we all have. That's no excuse for picking up a gun and shooting people. Nomatter how deserving (or not) they are. We are not a vigilante society. It is a shame that people fall through the cracks, but ... there is no justification. None. :(
Only the shooter is dead.

... and we might be able to bring back the dead if we can start playing with stem cells... and combining them with lion DNA... for that rich, full head of hair.
I just think people need to start looking at the shooter, why he did it, what drove him to it, etc. Just might find that the victims are simply victims of their victims :)
It doesn't matter why it was done. Once an act has happened, it becomes criminal. Shooting th eguy that beats you up every day can be justified. Shooting the art teacher & half a dozen innocents can't be.
I just think people need to start looking at the shooter, why he did it, what drove him to it, etc. Just might find that the victims are simply victims of their victims :)

So it's often the victims' own fault they got shot? So is it a woman's own fault she got raped, too?
A school shooting and a rape are extremely different. Im not saying in all cases the victims were deserving (or caused the shooter to do what he did), but in most, because it's high school, the shooter has likely been alienated, picked on, or generally fucked with and just snapped. No, no one should shoot anyone else for any reason, I'm not saying anything could be justified, I'm simply saying it's bullshit to slap an "INSANE" sticker on the guy and send him to prison. Someone should listen to him, listen to what he actually has to say, his reasons, and then turn around and take his bullies and teach them how to treat people.


Rape is about control, its a result of the rapists mental issues. The rapist rapes women at random. Not because of anything the women did, but because of his own psychological problems.

A school shooting is about revenge. It is a result of the actions of the victims. If, in fact, the shooter has some sort of mental illness (depression, etc) it's also a result of the actions of the people at that school.

Get it? Or should I draw you a fucking picture.