Scientists: Climate Change Fueling Fires


New Member
They have this shit turned around..
No fire no heat. Heap big fire=mega heat...
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Global warming could stoke ferocious wildfires that will be more difficult and costly to fight and might drastically alter the environment in parts of the world, some scientists warn.

Approximately 1,000 scientists and forestry officials who gathered in San Diego for an international wildfire meeting that began Monday urged policymakers to consider the effects of global warming when managing wildfires.
More global warming, more droughts, more dead ground-cover and less old growth trees..more forest fires.
Nuh-ugh, global warming causes blizzards. raising the temperature. If ti's too cold, you don't get big snow. In the summer...that extra degree or two is enough to make a difference between a low river and a no-river.
I wonder what cavemen used to measure temps...Farenheit or Celcius
The problem is that your cycle in increasing by .1 degrees per annum (with some higher years and some lower years). The process is slow so its hard to see with personal experience.
if it's slow, doesn't that mean it's following a pattern we, as a species, are incapable of seeing? I thought Ford & Mercedes meant rapid change.
On a billion year old planet... .1 degrees/year IS a fast change.

We can measure it, but consider this example.

Montana's glacier park. The tops of the mountains had snow on them all year round. Now during the summer, there are several that don't have snow-caps. That process took 60+ years.. the people living around there never noticed because the change was so gradual.

It's called 'creeping normalcy'. Individuals have a hard time seeing the differences over a long period of time because of the way that memory works.
The problem is that your cycle in increasing by .1 degrees per annum (with some higher years and some lower years). The process is slow so its hard to see with personal experience.

Agreed. That's not the problem tho. The problem is that specialists in one field say that global warming is caused by this and that, or will cause this and that. But they always neglect to include factors outside of their sphere of expertise.

Experts have been bleeting on about retreating glaciers for decades. Glaciers in Greenland had record growth last winter. Oops. The polar cap will melt. Yup. Covering more land and oceans reflect a helluva lot more solar radiation than land does. Oops. CO2 levels are going for record highs? Yup, promoting record vegetative growth worldwide. Vegetation absorbs solar radiation without converting it to heat. Also vegetation reduces CO2. Oops.

You know I love science. But 'experts' are the worst thing to ever happen to science. What you really need is to organize a foundation to study this ... without all the preconceived agendas, and without political affiliation. That hasn't happened yet. It probably won't ever happen. But until they start looking at the planet as a whole instead of Bsing with one factor after another, noone is ever gonna take them seriously enough to rape their own economy to make the changes needed to matter a whit.