I've never seen the sea, my only reference is the Great Lakes. Hope that counts Seems the bigger the boat the sicker I get. Tiny boats I'm fine, on our honeymoon here in Ontario we chartered a sailboat to take us on a tour, very romantic just us and the ?sailor?, but every time it slowed down I thought I was going to ralph. Managed not to, though, 'twas a good day. I won't chance it again I think
The last time I got motion sickness was when I was about 7. I scoffed down lunch and went directly to one of those twirly thingies you find in kids playgrounds (where you sit inside and turn a wheel to make the whole things spin).
Ten minutes later in the brand new car, I blew chunks all over the camping equipment and sleeping bags we had in the back
The only rough time I've ever had on the sea was when I was dead drunk on a 60' sailboat in open seas with decent chop... and it was only rough because I had a hard time walking up to the front of the boat to the keg each time I needed a refill.
I can remember one particularly rough night when I had to spread my arms and legs out and lay flat on my back to keep from rolling out of the bunk! Slept like a baby though... like being rocked to sleep.