Seafood Dip Help Please


Staff member
So, I'm having my mom and brother over for dinner on Monday and I've finalized the menu as the following:

-Fresh bread with this yummy herb and parmessan dipping oil
-Calamari with some sort of dipping sauce (this is where you guys come in)
-Fettucine in a rose sauce with spinich
-Desset TBD

Ok, so the main purpose of this thread is because I need a recipe for a dip. I went to a restaurant last week and the dip they had with the calamari was a creamy type dip that was an orange colour and was a LITTLE bit spicey. I don't know what it's called but I thought maybe some of you might have some good recipes (I don't wanna use the standard seafood type dip that people use for shrimp).

Also, any suggestions for dessert? I was thinking maybe waffles, I dunno.
OK, so I used the wonderful interweb and looked up the menu for the restaurant and found out that the dip is "chipotle aioli" but there are about 5 million different recipes on google...anyone have one that they've used and liked?
Aioli is basically a fresh mayo type emeril and aioli, he should have a decent spiced one....but I always liked the traditional Italian approach of marinara dipping sauce and lemon with calamari, plus it would tie in better with the rest of your menu.
I'm not a fan of just standard marinara dipping sauce...why I don't know.
I found one on the food network that I think'll be good (Emeril didn't seem to have a spiced one) now I just need to get the ingrediants and all is good :)
The trick to keep in mind when you are making an aioli from scratch is that the mixing is'll be making an emulsion. You might want to use an electric mixer.
The trick to keep in mind when you are making an aioli from scratch is that the mixing is'll be making an emulsion. You might want to use an electric mixer.

I have a "thunderstick pro" (hand blender) with all sorts of fun attachments. I'll use that :)
It is illegal (or should be) to have calamari with anything but a good red tomato (spaghetti) sauce...especially near the holidays.
Y'know, that really doesn't improve the mental image any. That looks just like those 1920's female friendly kits.

If I went into the drs office and saw that half of what is on that table I would wonder if I was in the right office or country....
Specially the breast enhancement device on the right. And I'm sure I saw that chrome do-hickey on the tray last time I went with the missus to the OBGYN.