Second Term Blues


molṑn labé
Staff member
He slept while Americans were attacked & killed. yawn

IRS targeted conservative groups & passed along that info during the re-election campaign? We're outraged & there'll be a complete investigation

Taking away our gun rights. Flying drones over the US. Targeting Americans with said drones. Gitmo is still open. Libya.

The lamestream press ignored it all, or downplayed it as a non-event.


[drum roll]

1. He slept while Americans were attacked & killed. yawn

2. IRS targeted conservative groups & passed along that info during the re-election campaign? We're outraged & there'll be a complete investigation

3 .Taking away our gun rights. Flying drones over the US. Targeting Americans with said drones. Gitmo is still open. Libya.

4. The lamestream press ignored it all, or downplayed it as a non-event.


[drum roll]


1. bullshit. post-hoc rationalization. unless you think the military can deploy in 30 seconds anywhere on the globe. so... adolescent crying for the 10,000th time.
2. this might actually go somewhere if you right wing fringe babies don't fuck it up with all kinds of moronic window dressing like "muslim obama blah blah."
3. gun laws have not substantially changed. you're squealing like a stuck pig.
4. nah, like the birther thing, most folks' interest wanes after about 4 seconds.
5. your right wing fringe baby colleagues have already determined that there is no way the press will truly turn on obama, because he is their boy or they are his boy er they're all part of the vast left wing conspiracy so they will be chummy after all.

because of the whining baby act, the legitimate complaints have far less chance of sticking.

nice going, children.
because of the whining baby act, the legitimate complaints have far less chance of sticking.

So the folks that are pointing out the issues are to blame?
Well they are just a buncha angry old white racist islamophobic homophobic bastards anyways and our clean young mulatto prez can do no wrong
An abortionist massacres babies bringing the nature of abortion into question they can’t report that.
Gun violence plummets while gun ownership soars, bringing the motivation of gun control into question they can’t report that.
And this historic administration is proving itself historically bad for the nation,
bringing its laughably under-qualified leader into question
and they certainly can’t report that.

Holder says he had no direct role in AP subpoena
Holder orders criminal investigation into IRS screening

1. bullshit. post-hoc rationalization. unless you think the military can deploy in 30 seconds anywhere on the globe. so... adolescent crying for the 10,000th time.

They blamed a video
They failed to add additional security, as requested
The told the security in place to stand down & evacuate
The attack didn't last half a minute, or half an lasted for 9 hours. There are enough
SpecOps teams to get there & assist an evacuation in far less than 9 hours.

There is nothing about this that doesn't scream SAVE MY RE-ELECTION/COVER MY TRACKS
i have absolutely no idea what happened. but i expect the nearest QRF was more that 9 hours away. they did not fail to have extra security as requested. they failed to have adequate security from the get-go. kinda like the marine barracks in beirut. basic technocratic incompetence. but what else would you expect from manager types?

ultimately it won't stick.

obama needs to be nullified in a legislative sense. and that is happening. the idiot fringe banter only serves to delegitimize your own cause. get some dignity and the law will follow. most of america wants a smaller fed and lower taxes. most of them also don't care if fags wanna get married. get with the program, chooch.

it's almost as if you are pissing on the future because you are too lethargic to deal with it.
