Secret Saudi Plan


Well-Known Member
Feb. 20 — The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has recently transmitted a secret proposal to the Bush administration, using one of his own sons, Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah as an emissary, rather than officials from the Saudi Embassy in Washington, sources told ABCNEWS.
The Saudis are proposing that after Saddam Hussein's fall, Saudi Arabia should lead a coalition of Islamic nations to occupy Iraq while a transitional Iraqi government is established, with Turkey playing the leading role in the Islamic force.

Senior government officials told ABCNEWS that according to the Crown Prince, an Islamic occupation force would defuse the anti-American hostility that is sweeping the Middle East and putting pressure on moderate Arab governments that are allied with the United States.

The Saudis would then be free to crack down on the extremist Jihadis in the Kingdom who are allied with al Qaeda or are sympathetic to Osama bin Laden.

Right now, Saudis feel a full scale crackdown would look like the Kingdom is doing American bidding, at a time when President Bush is very unpopular there.
The Saudi's are ultimately responsible for much of the the unrest, misery, and terrorism coming from the region. The US's ultimate goals are likely to remove their link with SA, not strengthen it. I'm sure the US wants Iraq to become an independent democracy, where the people control and benefit from Iraq's resources... intellectual, natural, or industrial. The certainly don't want Iraq to become yet another pawn of SA, where the misery of the people (caused by the hording of all profits coming from natural resources by the few royals) is diverted from revolution by focusing their attention on "holy war" and the like.

Indeed... Saudi occupation of Iraq would probably ultimately result in more terrorist attacks against the US than a US/UN occupation of Iraq would.

My bet is we'll go right on sleeping with them unless they become unfriendly to our oil interests. What they are they have been for a long time and we've never complained....The only time we complain is when the oil interests are in jeopardy.
the secret saudi plan can't be very secret if abc got it. i wonder if abcnews and the enquirer share the same office space?
I suppose everything the US does is dictated by its oil interests? I figured saving lives would play a part somewhere in there...
With regards to our ME policies, oil is the primary consideration. Yes, even over lives. You keep imagining some nonexistant purity to the motivations of our politicians. It ain't there. They will send you to your death on behalf of their major contributors in a New York minute....They've done it to many of us already.
Squiggy said:
You keep imagining some nonexistant purity to the motivations of our politicians.

Is it possible you're paranoid & there is no blood for oil backroom shenanigans going on?