Senator wants to destroy 90% of computers used on the internet

Laws would need to be rewritten to allow this, so its obvious the RIAA, etc, are trying to get their feet in the door.

I do not want this, not because I download music, but because it'll be reverse engineered and used illegitimately. It's only a matter of time...
Oops, we nuked your computer by mistake we thought you had downloaded illegal music.

What planet is this guy on?
poolking said:
Oops, we nuked your computer by mistake we thought you had downloaded illegal music.

What planet is this guy on?

Earth..and that's the scary part. I'd feel a whole lot better if this guy said that he'd like to do the same for Kiddie-porn! That doesn't seem to be importnat enough for him tho'...nah, he's got to go for music.

:drink2: Buddy's been drinkin' a few too many.
I think you hit it right there, Bish. If they've got the technology to do this, why are they concentrating on Music and not Kiddie porn?
True! This sickens me, he needs 1. Broadband 2. To get AWAY from AOhell 3. A Lobotomy 4. Vascetomy so he can't spread his sorrowful genes about :D
Justintime said:
BTW Its likely a Joke cause the site is

Ok. I didn't quote it exactly and changed it a little, but ...

It's not a joke. This is the CNN website. It was also on Headline News on tv this morning.

I'm telling you that it is scary that a man like this is in power. He needs to be voted out.
i quite liked your take on it bubba :D

bbc carried that story today, here. is there any real chance that congress would pass this crap?
I would really hope not, but who fucking knows. The problem with congress is the same problem most big companies have. The ones making decisions about computers have no frreaking clue how computers even work. To pass this thing and employ this kind of attack would be devastating. Good Luck keeping it contained to the US too, could be seen as an act of terrorism the first time it takes out some foreign governments computers.
that is something hat crossed my mind - how can they guarantee tehy keep it within their own juristiction. the internet is a big and very complex place and i just cant see them managing to not spill over to abroad.
Well if he used anything other than AOL maybe he wouldn't be so asswiped about this issue. AOL is a asnine, mundane piece of code that is a shame to programming.....overcharged filth.

As for the dear senator well he seems to be scapegoating yet again like many other senators.....putrid paper pushers that deserve their spanking along with their lobbyists boyfriends.
AOL the worlds No 1 ISP that you love to hate. :)

It was garbage way back at AOL 4, the time I saw the light and stopped using it. :)
Hmm, What's to stop people from *GASP*
building their own computers if they pass that law ?
that's alot of lost buisness, plus hackers , and just people who know a little about computers could de-activate or change the chip.
Anyone tries fucking about with my computers and I will stop sitting on this wall and seriously become an enemy of the state... :mad:
And exactly how are they going to destroy your computer via software? :lol:
They could overstress the processor, but that would only work for people that don't know what they are doing. But obviously, there are plenty of them out there. Only other thing would be some kind of virus, but with the advanced virus protection, most scanners would catch it when it started deleting files. I really don't think we have much to worry about here. Even if the government goes through with it, they'll spend milliions to write the software, and within 1 week, a group of 14 year olds will have written a blocker for it.
Overstress the cpu would only make the temp go up, no physicall dammage.

Even if they could make a software to destroy your puter, they'd have to make you to install it, but how the hell are they going to inforce that?

bunch of wankers