Senator Xenophon delivers.

That is not free choice. I don't much give a crap about the adults who get involved, it is their business & they have the right to chose. Kids are not so lucky. Although, we're walking a fine line here, the right to parent vs the state.
That is just the tip of the Arctic circle iceberg.

There are many many stories of people who tried to leave but were forced back. Scientology has teams and drills for when someone "blows" the cult. If you don't show for 'muster' they send teams out to recover you. They cover the bus station and airports and even to put family under surveillance is common. Did I mention they also confiscate all your documents and passport etc.?

There is number of reports of people literally being stuffed into cars and vans. People have been beaten-up during these recovery missions, Maureen Bolstead being one who was beaten by armed guards.

A new book out by Marc Headly

Only recently have people felt safe enough to come forward, safe from retribution from the cult. Many are willing to implicate themselves in crimes and let the cards fall hoping to not get prosecuted themselves.

Here are some photos from "Gold base" you'll notice these stainless steel spikes are aimed into the church, to keep people in, not out.


Notice the camera that films the cars and license plates of EVERY car that drives past on the public Highway. It belongs to the cult.


Front shot: See the row of spikes inside the fence.


More, inside the fence


Still more inside the fence, the whole perimeter.


Above up on the hillside; Notice TWO cameras, one is military grade. It pans, tilts and zooms, it covers +1 mile in each direction. It sees body heat. This is called "Eagles Nest" you can see camouflage netting at left of the camera, there used to be a 2man sniper team in that perch 24/7.

It took me six months to get a decent grasp on just how bad these dudes are. I'm still shocked at some of the stuff as it come out. This is only one method they use to to keep you.
No matter where you fall on the abortion debate, this is bullshit. It happens worldwide with the cult.

Scientology faces allegations of torture in Australia
Australian prime minister considers inquiry after senator tables allegations including forced abortions, assault and blackmail

"Aaron says women who fell pregnant were taken to offices and bullied to have an abortion. If they refused, they faced demotion and hard labour," Xenophon said. "Aaron says one staff member used a coat hanger and self-aborted her child for fear of punishment.".


"Carmel says she also witnessed a young girl who had been molested by her father being coached as to what she should say to investigating authorities in order to keep the crimes secret," Xenophon said.


"Anna and Dean also provided evidence where information they and others have revealed to the church have been used to blackmail and control. They also provided more information about coerced abortions," Xenophon said.​

Guardian UK

Dangerous cult is dangerous.
Xenophon is a strange name. Kinda cool though.
Ironically.... Once you get to Operating Thetan level VIII, this where you discover that you are filled with parasitic space alien corpses. These aliens, called "Thetens", are where ALL human pain and suffering comes from.

Scientology can free you from these thetens if you're willing to pay ~$250k. It is "the evil galactic overlord Xenu" who is responsible for these dead aliens infesting our bodies.

lol, Great name indeed.
Xenophon is the ancient greek equivalent of "Bob".

Australia has a pretty high greek population, particularly in Melbourne, and "Nick Xenophon" sounds pretty darned Greek.
Church of Scientology convicted of fraud in France

The court convicted the Church of Scientology's French office, its library and six of its leaders of organized fraud. Investigators said the group pressured members into paying large sums of money for questionable financial gain and used "commercial harassment" against recruits.

The original complaint in the case dates back more than a decade, when a young woman said she took out loans and spent the equivalent of euro21,000 on books, courses and "purification packages" after being recruited in 1998. When she sought reimbursement and to leave the group, its leadership refused. She was among three eventual plaintiffs.

Investigating Judge Jean-Christophe Hullin spent years examining the group's activities, and in his indictment criticized what he called the Scientologists' "obsession" with financial gain and practices he said were aimed at plunging members into a "state of subjection."
The Press is beginning to understand about the many front groups of Scientology.

Another case of targeting children.

Scientology targets young kids
The Sunday Telegraph - November 22, 2009 12:00AM

THE NSW Government has warned principals about a Church of Scientology attempt to infiltrate primary schools with propaganda videos and booklets aimed at Year 6 students.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned an organisation called Youth for Human Rights, which is sponsored by the controversial group, sent an educational DVD about human rights to schools last month.

Daily Telegraph UK

It's Youth For Human Rights is just one front group that Scientology uses to bait people, in this case children are the target. It's introduction to the "tech", all roads lead to indoctrination.
something tells me there's gonna be more info about this group popping up
in the paper media, and probably tv, in This country.
More religious nuts....

Christian Scientists seek reimbursement for prayers
By William Wan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 23, 2009

The calls come in at all hours: patients reporting broken bones, violent coughs, deep depression.

Prue Lewis listens as they explain their symptoms. Then Lewis -- a thin, frail-looking woman from Columbia Heights -- simply says, "I'll go to work right away." She hangs up, organizes her thoughts and begins treating her clients' ailments the best way she knows how: She prays.

This is health care in the world of Christian Science, where the sick eschew conventional medicine and turn to God for healing. Christian Scientists call it "spiritual health care," and it is a practice they are battling to insert into the health-care legislation being hammered out in Congress.

Leaders of the Church of Christ, Scientist, are pushing a proposal that would help patients pay someone like Lewis for prayer by having insurers reimburse the $20 to $40 cost.

The provision was stripped from the bill the House passed this month, and church leaders are trying to get it inserted into the Senate version. And the church has powerful allies there, including Sens. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), who represents the state where the church is based, and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), who said the provision would "ensure that health-care reform law does not discriminate against any religion."

But opponents of spiritual care coverage -- a coalition of separation-of-church-and-state advocates, pediatricians and children's health activists -- say such a provision would waste money, endanger lives and, in some cases, amount to government-funded prayer.

"I think if most Americans knew what's being proposed on this issue, they would be shocked," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

As the health-care debate enters its final stages, the clash over spiritual care has become essentially a referendum about whether the government recognizes prayer as a legitimate and viable health-care option.

Lewis, 66, works out of a small rented space in Northwest Washington, but her real office is her cellphone. She sleeps with the phone tucked under her pillow at night.

She doesn't see most of the patients she treats. That isn't necessary, she said, for her prayers to be effective.

Each prayer is a cerebral search for resolution to the patient's problem. And the answer often comes in the form of an idea or feeling: "God is here," "God is life," "We are created in God's perfect image."

Such thoughts, she said, drive out the fear causing the sickness: fear of pain, death, hopelessness. And as she and her patients reconnect with God, healing comes naturally.

Her faith in prayer comes from experience. About 10 years ago, she said, before she retired from her job as a federal environmental negotiator, she was cured of what she thinks was breast cancer.

"I noticed a lump in my breast and felt the pain," she said.

But after weeks of prayer, the lump, pain and fear all went away. "It just proved to me how much this does work," she said, "and I felt a calling to devote my life to helping others."

She set out to become one of the church's 1,400 trained practitioners. She completed a two-week intensive course and collected testimonials of healing from people she had worked with, including a man who was injured in a fall and a woman with persistent anxiety. Four years ago, she was listed in the church's registry.

A child's death
The belief that God is capable of miraculous healing exists in all branches of Christianity and most other major religions. Some research has shown a link between prayer and improved health; other studies have not.

But Christian Scientists have made healing through prayer a central tenet in their 1,200 churches. The denomination's two main texts are the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the church in 1879.

In her book, Eddy lays out an alternative system of health care, one with prayer practitioners and nursing facilities where attendants bandage and comfort but do not provide drugs or perform procedures as basic as setting bones.

Church leaders say this system should be recognized and protected in the health-care legislation, but their efforts to prohibit discrimination against "religious or spiritual health care" has some critics seething.

"You can't just think away cancer," said Gaylor, of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

There are also constitutional objections over using tax money for religious purposes, said Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America.

But some of the most impassioned arguments have come from such people as Rita Swan, a former Christian Scientist who said the prayer practices put children at risk.

"We live in a modern era with antibiotics, immunization, advanced diagnostic procedures. Why would you risk the life of your child when they could easily be saved?" Swan asked.

It is a question that has haunted Swan since the death of her son in 1977. Swan was a lifelong Christian Scientist. So when 15-month-old Matthew came down with a fever, she and her husband took him to church leaders.

"The practitioner prayed, and the fever went away," she said. "At first, we thought that Christian Science had accomplished something strong and real, but then he just got worse."

Soon, the toddler could not walk or sit up. Swan considered taking Matthew to a doctor, but church leaders told her that if she did, they couldn't pray for him anymore. By the time she took him to the hospital, it was too late.

A week later, he died of bacterial meningitis, which doctors said could have been cured with antibiotics and today can be prevented with a vaccine.

Swan now attends a United Methodist church near Sioux City, Iowa, and spends her days fighting Christian Science, lobbying against the church on state child-protection laws and sending letters to congressional leaders on health-care reform.

"I feel I owe it to my son," she said, "to do anything I can to save other children out there facing what he faced."

A lobbying blitz
It's been two decades since a Christian Scientist was prosecuted for the death of a child treated with prayer instead of medicine. The church doesn't pressure people to avoid doctors, said spokesman Phil Davis, and prayer treatment is now seen as a substitute for or as a supplement to medical treatment.

"The issue here is insurance coverage and has nothing to do with child-protective laws," Davis said.

The church has suggested that its health-care proposal might be amended to apply only to adults. The church is also considering language to avoid having government subsidies pay for prayer.

Its leaders point to government policies as precedent for their proposal. The Internal Revenue Service allows prayer treatments to be itemized on income tax forms as medical expenses. And a few federal insurance programs, such as those for military families, already reimburse for prayer.

"It's not just what's at stake for us as Christian Scientists," Davis said. "You look at the spiraling cost of health care, and you look at the low cost and positive results of spiritual care. How could you leave that out?"

But to Swan, the provision amounts to the government endorsing prayer as an alternative to proven medical treatment. "God protects and God loves, but He also gave us the ability to heal ourselves through medicine," she said. "Why would you just throw that away?"
nvr mind......

• Postponement notification received prior to printing:

Senator Xenophon to postpone business of the Senate notice of motion no. 2 to
25 November 2009 (proposed reference to the Community Affairs References Committee––
application of certain Commonwealth laws to the Church of Scientology)

Bumped until tomorrow, again.
they are in the same type of role as in 'leadership'. (control of currencies, what ever the trade is)
That is the only context to which I refer.
Before the internet decided to put Scientology down, suing them was not an option. Scientology has a paramilitary ecclesiastical unit that attacks and destroys anyone who talks bad about them. PreAnonymous, this unit boasted an annual budget of over $40 million dollars, its much higher now.

As a result of the masses standing against them, people feel safe enough to finally come forward and demand justice.

The suit has been brought on behalf of John Lindstein by attorneys Barry Van Sickle and Graham Berry for, amongst other things, human trafficking.

Read how John started working for organized scientology at 8 years old and was working 15 hour days at manual labor by the age of 10. At the age of 12 John was taken from school and hired by Golden Era Productions.

This complaint does not go into the detail that some of the other complaints have gone into but it does list various labor and other abuses carried out on John by the scientology enterprise.

another new lawsuit, more to follow

Human trafficking, this is only the 3rd case filed in the US. Many more to follow.