Sending an innocent man to jail...




A FATHER-OF-TWO who stabbed a "career criminal" to death with a bread knife after finding him burgling his family's home was found guilty of manslaughter yesterday.


Hastings, who was remanded in custody to be sentenced next month, faces a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
I'm sorry, but that is just sick. They should give the man a medal. He was PROTECTING HIS FAMILY! What more can you ask from a husband with children? And they send him to jail. What kind of life will his children have? To know their daddy protected them and was punished for that. :(
Same sick situation here: I could be charged if I'd hit a burglar when he was robbing my house. He would have to hit me first, because then it would be self's sick.
He stabbed him Twelve times! One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Six.. Seven.. Eight.. Nine.. Ten.. Eleven.. Twelve.
Sounds like a lot doesn't it. And that's probably how the prosicution made the case. Realistically, If my adrenaline was pumping i could put a knife in you twelve times in just a few seconds. If the guy was scared he was probably attacking the intruder until he felt the threat was gone. Which wouldn't be until the guy had totally stopped moving. Sounds like he didn't have a good attorney. A good attorney would have communicated these details to the jury . Not everyone can imagine the details of such a scenerio.
Yes, with adrenaline pumping and the thread to my family and children, I can't imagine stopping until I'm pretty sure he was quite dead.
On the same note, i remember one time some guy attacked me from behind catching me totally offgaurd so my response was completely instinctive. I got him in a headlock and i was pummeling his face with my fist and i didn't realize until afterwards that after his body went limp(passed out) i punched him probably 8-10 additional times thinking that he was probably faking it. I'm someone who's normally level headed in this type of situation. I can only imagine what someone who is filled with fear would do. This is what the jury needed to understand and probably didn't.
Yes of course your response is totally instinctive. Its human nature. And if someone threatens my family or my bloodfriend, he will pay dearly, and if the law decides differently, well, the law is corrupt.
One of the tips I got from an ex-cop was, if you shoot an intruder; A)shoot to kill, it leaves fewer witnesses & B)empty the gun into said intruder, if all else fails it looks good for a temp insanity plea.
I've come pretty close to it. I lived for a while in South Africa, remember? Most violent country on earth, even worse than Israel and Middle East? Robbing kids' bikes at gunpoint? All that shit? I lost a family member (never knew him though) to murder a long time ago. My grandma was robbed a few weeks ago. People will break into your house just to mutilite you and kill you, not even to steal.

Ever heard of necklace killing? Tie the person up, put a car tire around his neck, put gas in the rim, and light it up. Cruel way to kill, and it happens all the time there. In the few times I visited that country, I usually carred a 38 special on me for self defense. /shrug My mom carries one, my dad carries two 9mm's, etc.

My brother and I were once walking in a mall, late at night. Someone tried to assult him, and we quickly dispached with him by knocking him unconscious. If he pulled a knife I would have shot him on the spot and walked a way. Its a hard country to live in. Even worse than Saudi Arabia.

Just some food for thought :)
It is hard to kill and killing makes you hard. But it is harder to follow a path of truth and love. Ignorant people will tell you that is a weak statement.
Anyone can cave into violence if you're surrounded by it, but people that swim up river must face fears on a whole different level. Being totally honest, there is joy in violence. it's why people commit violent acts and kill. But It's a short lived sense of power.
I have more respect for men who have stoodfast in the face of violence and death but not succomed to it. I too know violence and the power therin but do not respect it.
(unless it's ultima fighting.(Hey, nobodies perfect)).
This is what happens when you defend yourself in the good ol' UK. You take a man's right to self defense away then you take his life. It's bad enough that efficient weapons for use in self-defense have been banned. Now self-defense is all but banned.
Very sad that they take away what was historically the most important part of a husband: protection for his family.