Separation of Church/State

Should there be one?

  • There should not be one

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There should but we can leave the God stuff as it is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There should be one. No endorsment of any kind

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Endorse all religions not just one

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Endorse if asked(donate money to religious organisations)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other(please explain)

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
Thou shalt not kill - Thou shalt not steal & - Thou shalt not commit adultery

Those are still fairly well followed.

Excuse me, but what planet do you live on?

Thou shalt not kill - Unless the person you kill is from another country, of another religion, ever advocated abortion, ever pissed you off, etc., etc., etc.

Thou shalt not steal - Unless you're a politician, businessman, computer user, etc.,etc.,etc. (Got any mp3s you didn't pay for?)

Thou shalt not commit adultery - 61% divorce rate, need I say more?

Completely irrelevant, I tell ya.
PuterTutor said:
Sure it's caused wars, it's ripped families apart, it's alienated people from their countrymen, it's done alot of bad things. It's also given people a purpose for living, comfort in knowing that this is not all that there is. It's also given us a standard on how to treat each other, in 10 basic lessons.

Do I think the Govt should endorse any particular religon? No. I am personally offended that Mr. Bush has the audicity to use religon the way he does, but then again, I'm not that surprised either. As far as the prayer in schools, Chic spelled that out the best, it can be there, it just can't be led by the staff, nor disrupt the other students that don't want to participate.

In God we Trust? What, would you rather have it say in Bush we Trust? ;) Just kidding there, but really, what else is there to trust, even with my agnostic feelings, I'd rather it say that than have it say In the Feds we trust. I suppose the most honest wording would be In Gold we Trust.

^If any of that don't make sense, sorry, I was a little tired and felt like rambling a bit.

It makes sense PT. But I still say religion causes more problems than it solves. Does that mean it isnt a good thing? no in fact I find it to be a beautiful thing(find the beliefs the true ones of any religion). But it has been causing so many problems. and as far as the 10 steps well they werent the first. and every religon has somethng similar(5 Pillars of Islam, Wiccan Creed, 10 commandments et al).

now as for the whole in God we trust/or your joke: It doesnt have to sya anything at all. no mention of it.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
It affects me because having it on our money means the Government is endorsing a belief in a higher power. And Santa has nothing to do with religion, he is a purely commercial entity. However, if I saw the city, state and local government offices displaying St Nicholas, I would most certainly be offended. I don't care what private business or individuals do, but the government should leave all religious practices to the private sector. :shrug:

Just to drag Ms Ann Thrope back in, I'll say this much...

Santa Clause and Saint Nicholas are the same person, regardless of how you look at it. Remember your Spanish?

Santa=Saint...;)...there goes your entirely commercial entity. :grinyes:
Did not know Santa meant Saint. But it became commercialised just like pretty much every other holiday out there