
I have dirtphobia :D, i can't stand dirty/smelly people. However, i can stand dust in stuff, house, etc.
ris said:
just about my only phear is dentists. they scare teh living crap out of me :eek: :(

Oh yeah you just reminded me :( , I have a fear of needles especially being stuck in my veins (I try not to remember it) ~ As a nurse I have no trouble shoving them in someone else but freak out when anyone wants to do the same to me. When I was told I had to have a ceasarian in 2 days time I was offered an epidural which as I was in shock I said yes to, until I got home and totally freaked out at the thought of that needle in my back. And when I came round from the anaesthetic I had a blood drip up in my left hand ~ I couldn't look at it, much less use it! And demanded it was removed as soon as the transfusion was finished. That's the last time anyone has taken my blood until last year when I had to have a test and they had to get the head bloodsucker 'cos I burst into tears despite having my sister to hold my hand and totally freaked out the lady who was supposed to do it. Of course it could be something to do with the fact that my veins are very deep and can't been seen which means they have to dig around for them....:(
Jerrek said:
Aunty Em said:
As a nurse I have no trouble shoving them in someone else

Emphasis added
Thank you. You just confirmed my beliefs.

I've given kids tetanus injections when they've come into casualty and they've asked after I've done it when I'm going to do it. So I think that qualifies as reasonably good as I've always personally found that the stuff stings like hell... :)

Personally heparin injections are the worst, which I had to have twice a day when I was on bedrest after my second skin graft to the shin of my leg as I was not allowed to move it because the graft would have lifted off the area and failed ~ again. Actually the graft donation site on the top of my leg was more painful at the time than the grafted site because of the nerve damage to that area which is irreversible. I still have to be careful 17 years on not to get it banged as it could ulcerate and then I'd be back to square one as they had to remove a lot of tissue which means my left leg will always be thinner than my right.

Fortunately it was worth it because 5 weeks later it had fully healed over and I could finally stop taking all the antibiotics that I'd been on for 7 months (4x the normal dose of 3 different sorts). Despite all the side effects I suffered from them I'm grateful they were available though because at one point the infection in my leg was so bad I almost lost it below the knee, how they managed to prevent septicaemia I will never know.
I have a limited fear of heights. I say limited bacause I actually was able to stand on the edge of a 45m waterfall once without protection. But anyway I'm exposed initially thru a similar situation I have to control myself. I have also a limited claustrophobia, nothing I can't handle with mental control...
butterfly needles, unless they're taking the blood from my hand. other needles are just fine.
endangerous fires,
many/most bugs (really all cept the cute ones, butterflies, catterpillars, etc),
losing things.
losing friends,
my stuff/posessions being messed with
my parents or friends dying.
oh, and dying without getting a chance to sayy goodbye.

i also have this fear that Just Because I Dont Want Something To Happen, It Will.

.... i'm actually on meds for my paranoia. i think that says a lot.
I have a fear of needles. I wouldn't call it a phobia, but they definitely make me very, very, very uncomfortable.
Jerrek said:
Apparently novercaphobia is the fear of your mother-in-law, merinthophobia is the fear of being tied up, medorthophobia is the fear of an erect penis, eurotophobia the fear of female genitalia, and philematophobia is the fear of kissing.


There's a fear for kissing?!?!?!?!?! LOL
I'm afraid of churches, don't know what that would be called though.
Needles in my arm never bothered me, hurts like a bitch in the hand but still do-able, but in my *mouth*? Then I'm a big big baby. :crying5:
ash r said:
.... i'm actually on meds for my paranoia. i think that says a lot.
I can tell the difference, and does say alot. You're more focused. You have always been extremely bright. Now you're using it to your advantage.:headbang: