
I have a fear of stinging bees... especially wasps. They can fly faster than I can run, and they're pretty agile in flight so they can be tough to kill once stirred into action. Bottom line... if they want to sting you there's not much you can do about it but run like hell.

I don't mind spiders at all - I used to catch black widows in jars and play with them. Snakes are no problem - I've helped carry a 16' python before. The only time snakes give me a rush of adrenaline is when I just about step on one... but I think that's understandable. Other animals I have a fighting chance of kicking or something, but damn bees. Kill them all.
outside looking in said:
I have a fear of stinging bees... especially wasps. They can fly faster than I can run, and they're pretty agile in flight so they can be tough to kill once stirred into action. Bottom line... if they want to sting you there's not much you can do about it but run like hell.

I don't mind spiders at all - I used to catch black widows in jars and play with them. Snakes are no problem - I've helped carry a 16' python before. The only time snakes give me a rush of adrenaline is when I just about step on one... but I think that's understandable. Other animals I have a fighting chance of kicking or something, but damn bees. Kill them all.

Wasps I don't like they have a nasty habit of getting you when you least expect it, but bees over here don't scare me as they're not very agressive, but don't you have an african bee problem over there? Faced with that I think I'd run like hell...

Snakes I like, pythons in particular. Venomous ones I have a healthy respect for.
Snakes are fascinating...But I couldn't have a cold blooded pet that I had to feed live warm blooded animals to. Just doesn't seem right...
Squiggy said:
Snakes are fascinating...But I couldn't have a cold blooded pet that I had to feed live warm blooded animals to. Just doesn't seem right...

You'd be surprised how warm and dry they feel when you pick them up then as they take on the ambient temperature.
Had a Boa by proxy once...It was my nephew's and he was staying with us. I never could justify the feedings.... :shrug:
It sounds a little weird but it was all the rage here for a while--having people from the Reptile Museum here on Long Island come to a children's party with some of their animals. They came to my nephew's birthday party and I held a very very large snake and you're right Auntie, it was totally not what I was expecting. They had chameleons of course and some turtles but they also had some exotic stuff... My neice kept asking me to buy her one for her birthday. :rolleyes: :D
A bit of claustrophobia, which is weird because I never had a problem with that growing up. Now, I don't really like un-aired enclosed spaces that move (elevators and airplanes for instance). I find it, the claustrophobia that is, very irritating.
My list of "phobias", if given, buck-naked-honestly, an' in its entirety, would occupy much more space than even I could justify.

Much of the basis of my own personal fears, seems to have cultural, an' imagined origin, like when yer taught not to sit too close to a TV while watchin' it, 'cause you'll go blind.

The fear of the "unknown" is an' integral part of humanity, though my fears have changed quite a bit since my youth, especially with the help an' perspective that my fear-management instructor has brought!:D

A few of mine would include:

Heights: 20' ft. off the ground is plenty for me!

Dark: Especially when the furniture has been unkowingly rearranged an' I'm passin' through the room bearfoot.

Women: Who brag about their area of expertise bein' Dominatrix.

Dudes: In traffic, who out weigh me by 50lbs., whom I jus' pissed of by makin' some dumb-ass impatient change of lanes without signalin', at their expense.

Cows: No explanation, they jus' look scary to me!:eek:

Computors: They're way too mysterious for me!' the secret agenda of folks who take pleasure in observin' lists of other folk's fears..............:confuse2:
75renegade said:
Women: Who brag about their area of expertise bein' Dominatrix.
:rofl2: Noooo, *fap*' the secret agenda of folks who take pleasure in observin' lists of other folk's fears..............:confuse2:
I'm going to torment you for years to end by putting cows in your home when it is dark... and then waking you up at the sound of a whip cracking...
Jerrek said:
75renegade said:
Women: Who brag about their area of expertise bein' Dominatrix.
:rofl2: Noooo, [size]*fap*[/size]' the secret agenda of folks who take pleasure in observin' lists of other folk's fears..............:confuse2:
I'm going to torment you for years to end by putting cows in your home when it is dark... and then waking you up at the sound of a whip cracking...

Thanks Jerr, for at least givin' me some level of forwarning!:)

But seriously, picture yerself standin' in a field of unfamiliar bovine, who are starin' at ya with those deceptive cow-eyes, movin' ever closer with increasing speed an' intent........

I mean c'mon man! Those critters outweigh the average man tenfold!' the horns, an' hooves an all........even the whole way the heifers charge ya, utters-a-flappin' with discontent!...........AAAAAhhhhhh!!!!!:eek:

I'll take the whole 'whip' theory much more readily than horns an' hooves!!:flame:
75renegade said:
But seriously, picture yerself standin' in a field of unfamiliar bovine, who are starin' at ya with those deceptive cow-eyes, movin' ever closer with increasing speed an' intent........

I mean c'mon man! Those critters outweigh the average man tenfold!' the horns, an' hooves an all........even the whole way the heifers charge ya, utters-a-flappin' with discontent!...........AAAAAhhhhhh!!!!!:eek:

Cows never used to bother me until one day when walking on a public footpath through a field with a friend I realised the heifers weren't heifers... and they were following us!... Scared?... is the pope catholic?
Acrophobia (in the open - ladders particularly).
Snake phobia (the only good snake is on a pair of boots).
I have a fear of heights. Kind of strange, but, when I look down I get an extremely tight culo.
Geez, i wish it was just as easy as looking down in order to get a tight culo :D