Conspiracy theories could be laughable, if an intense psychological denial about 9/11 weren't so pathetic.
You don't blame the terrorists. You don't admit that we have to take action against them. Your fear of coping with the reality that 3,000 of your fellow Americans were murdered has been transformed to anger and displaced onto GWB. If everything is Booooosh's fault the reality of what happened does not have to be faced.
Bush has become the "criminal mastermind", a real-life "super villain", his administration so evil, so devious that everything said is a "lie", everything Bush does is part of a "vast global conspiracy".
The Bush family has intimate ties to the Saudis and Bin Laden.
He is trying to avenge the threat against his father by punishing Saddam.
He wants to take over the world.
Etc. etc. etc.
The funny part is you believe Bush is both an evil mastermind and a total moron. How do you deal with the cognitive dissonance created by such a position?
So....... what really happened was, Bush/Cheney/Halliburton secretly rigged the towers, (possibly even when they were being built in the '70's) with demolition explosives, with the full advanced knowledge that 19 Radical Muslims were going to successfully hijack 4 planes and fly 2 of them into the WTC. Then, later on, after his morning coffee, Cheney pushed the button and the towers went kablooey.
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Osama bin Laden's chief deputy on Tuesday denied a theory that Israel carried out the Sept. 11 attacks and blamed Iran and Shiite Hezbollah for spreading the idea to discredit the Sunni al-Qaida's strike against the U.S.
The comments in a recording posted on an Islamic Web site reflected the increasing criticism by al-Qaida's No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri against Iran. Al-Zawahri has accused Iran in recent messages of seeking to extend its power in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and through its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon.
Al-Zawahri accused Hezbollah's Al-Manar television of starting the rumor.
"The purpose of this lie is clear—(to suggest) that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no else did in history. Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it," he said.
Hey, Jackass.....Real or Fake: The Apollo 11 Moonlanding?