Sex and the City!!!


Well-Known Member
Holy Christ how moronic is this show. Its on TBS so I had the unfortune of watching a few episodes and damn....these women have the perosnalities of ,aging, box of rocks.

This is basically every episode I have seen so far

Blah blah blah I need a man blah blah blah Men suck blah blah blah (insert obvious philosophical babble about men and women) blah blah blah..THE END

Please tell me this is not what women converse about amongst their friends.....EVERY WAKING MOMENT.

You know after all the praise this show garnered during its run on HBO I was excited to see it. It apprently spoke to the single women all across the nation and gave them the producers expected that every single women was a rich, douchebag, airhead with money to blow and looks to get any man? How many single women you know that drink cosmos for lunch, wear cute designer clothes, have perfect hair even after sex, and have money despite what would seem like a lack of job or a functioning career.

OK lets even forget that, but what really irks me is that this show reduces women down to nothing but neurotic, self defeating bimbos....who spend all day with their equally depressing friends talking about how men are unfaithful and how they can not get a good man. If this is what women find to be strong empowering characters then serious re-evaluation is needed of one's character.

Try again Darren Star
S&C is fun to watch for maybe 5 episodes, but after that it's just more of the same over and over again.
i watched 10 episodes in a row one time, due to complete boredom and having a majority of women ruling the remote, and after that i promised myself never to watch the show again.
I've been seeing the adverts on TBS and thought of catching a few episodes. I haven't yet, and apparently not missed out on anything.
I've pretty much seen 'em all on HBO.

I can honmestly say that by the end of it, I was getting tired of seeing Kim Cattrall's tits.
never seen it. don't think it would appeal to me....besides, i think the only TV channels i've watched in recent memory are PBS and the food network :shrug:
Never seen it though I've talked to many people who are ga-ga over it. It's the T&A and the open sex talk that does it. Shock factor over story-line. Kinda like the playboy channel...for feminists.
I never watch sex shows such as these. I believe they're full of valueless ideals that contribute nothing positive to society. I'd rather television be used for something more beneficial, adventurous, and educational. I think movies such as Intolerable Crueltly should not be produced because they corrupt the minds of people.
I watched it a few times, couldn't tell you a thing about the plot and wotnot, but Kim Catrall, yeesh! :blush: :D
MrBishop said:
Never seen it though I've talked to many people who are ga-ga over it. It's the T&A and the open sex talk that does it. Shock factor over story-line. Kinda like the playboy channel...for feminists.
As I said, the good parts of the show couldn't be shown on TBS.

FTR, I haven't watched it on TBS, and I couldn't on HBO because I was too cheap to pay the extra money for that channel.
Inkara1 said:
As I said, the good parts of the show couldn't be shown on TBS.

What good parts? A few "fuck"s thrown here and there? Kim Catrell getting naked every episode or two? That isn't enough to save the show from being a mindless, televised version of a Cosmopolitan magazine.

Everyone was touting that the 4 characters were 4 strong independent women...bullshit...these 4 are nothing but 4, whiny, petulent airheads who need a man constantly to give their shallow existence a meaning through endless sex. If they found a man treated them right this show would end after episode one...if they didn't act like needy bimbos this show wouldn't exist in the first place.

Nope...a few old tits and some "racy" (notice the biting sarcasm in usage of racy if you will) innuendo does not hold together a show....well I guess it did for more, lonely, single women who were just as empty and actually related to this show.