Sex at Work


New Member
Ok, cant remember seeing this one in my short time here. Although I know we did the "locations thread".

Im intrested in who has done it at work?, did you like it?, would you do it again?, and who in blazes did you do it with? Oh and where did you do it at work so that you wouldnt get caught? and did you ever make doing it at work a regular habit?

Reminds me of two things right off the bat:

When I was a brand new nurse.

Nurse (I dont remember her name): "Have you ever had sex at the hospital?"

Me: (probably looking stunned and confused): "No"

Her: "Dont worry you will"

Turns out she was right. :devious:

Phobe (from friends) "I just had sex with Ralph Lauren in the copy room"

Rache: "OMG you just had sex with Ralph Lauren in the copy room?"

Phoebe waves to a guy walking by: "Hey Ralph"

Rachel: "Thats not Ralph Lauren, thats jake....the copy repair guy"
I have done it at work several times. I have to say that it was definitely enjoyable and I plan on doing it as often as possible (just hope I don't get caught). I do it with my co-worker ( :winkkiss: - you know who you are). We usually do it in my office with the door locked - though it is pretty scary sometimes when either one of us thinks that we hear something! Plus, because I am a screamer, it is SO difficult to stay quiet!

We haven't made it a regular habit, though I wouldn't have objections to an increased frequency of office sex - I'll take it however I can get it!

Just thought I would respond to this considering Freako is the only other one who has had anything to say on the subject (lub you lots - you always have some kind of good reply)! :D
Technically, sex. But at the time, I worked at a hotel, and was pulling MOD (manager on duty) for the weekend. Officially, I was working. Physically, I was plowing.
well, this office no, to many people around, when I worked on teh farm though......

no, not with livestock, it was a summer camp place, so many a councillor in the hayloft
I can say that all the benches in my shop are sturdy enough to hold two people. Complete testing was, and is still, being done this week. :D :D
PostCode said:
I can say that all the benches in my shop are sturdy enough to hold two people. Complete testing was, and is still, being done this week. :D :D
oh dangerous, imagine they weren't, getting some hardware in the wrong place
Yup - did the whole sex at the office thing. On the boardroom table with a guy that used to work in one of our branches.

Stupid thing to do - really, really stupid - midday on a Friday with no clue when my boss is coming back to the office..............REALLY stupid thing to do (guess having a fully stocked bar at the office isn't always a bonus)
In the dry store, in the coolroom, the disabled toilets, and also in that little corner over there where you think no one can see what you're doing!

The truth is that everyone can see that little corner you know, and can see exactly what you're doing, no matter how drunk they are.

Oh, i almost forgot, apparently i've been caught on the security surveillance tape as well! Bugger.
if a naval ship counts as work, then sure. i also had sex a bunch in the restaurants i ran... but i guess anyone that ever ran a restaurant will tell you thats almost par for the course. i remember one time receiving oral sex while on the phone with a customer, but that was a brief conversation at best.
When I ran my shop I used to quiet regularly.....but it was my girlfriend at the time who used to pop in during the lunch hour :)

Only twice when I worked in various offices.........but both times were good fun :D......just a couple of "naughty" quickies when we thought we wouldn't be caught hehe :evilcool:

And University (which I guess could be classed as a work environment) is usually pretty free-for-all at Uni but we had competitions to see who could do it in the most unusual place......I had a couple of shags in various study rooms but I lost the competion after a couple broke into one of the tutors cars and did their thing on the backseat :D Lost £25 on that compo :eh: