Sexist and mysogonistic...

IDLEchild said:
Yeah...this planet is dangerously under populated. We really need to pile on more people.

Since this post was actually meant as a joke, I'll answer that with this conundrum...

If you are so obsessed with overpopulation, why not just do yourself in? One less mouth to less drain on resources...;)
IDLEchild said:
Yeah...this planet is dangerously under populated. We really need to pile on more people.
hey...they don't hafta procreate...i just don't want them in my house, eating my food, using my utilities, and spending all my money until they are thirty.
Gato_Solo said:
Since this post was actually meant as a joke, I'll answer that with this conundrum...

Since my post was a joke too i'll answer the conundrum

If you are so obsessed with overpopulation, why not just do yourself in? One less mouth to less drain on resources...;)

Me killing myself does nothing, the life to death ratio is lopsided. I kill myself, 30,000 new kids will be born so that accomplishes nothing. As for the question of drain on resources the real culprits are industrial nations with U.S leading the pack. So to really conserve resources we should wipe out the U.S now shouldn't we. Earth's goods aren't measured on such paltry levels that 30,001 would make a significant more difference than 30,000, unless that 1 individual happens to be of great power (or great weight).

So kill myself?...nah....not be overpresumptious of others intentions?....oh yes ;)
IDLEchild said:
Since my post was a joke too i'll answer the conundrum

Me killing myself does nothing, the life to death ratio is lopsided. I kill myself, 30,000 new kids will be born so that accomplishes nothing. As for the question of drain on resources the real culprits are industrial nations with U.S leading the pack. So to really conserve resources we should wipe out the U.S now shouldn't we. Earth's goods aren't measured on such paltry levels that 30,001 would make a significant more difference than 30,000, unless that 1 individual happens to be of great power (or great weight).

So kill myself?...nah....not be overpresumptious of others intentions?....oh yes ;)
:D ;)
The population only becomes a problem because it's the stupid people who reproduce faster than the smart ones. That, in itself, isn't a problem. That's how it's supposed to be. The problem is that stupid people aren't dying off as fast as their supposed to. They're living almost as long as the smart people. Why? Because smart people keep keeping them alive, instead of the other way around.

Look at a wolf pack. Only the Alpha's mate. All the rest are just support staff. Lions ... same deal. Ants ... same again. Bees, termites. Every sucessful "group" does the same thing. Except modern humans.
Population becomes an issue when people refuse to relocate. Especially relocating away from overpopulated areas. 1 billion people in problem right?'s only 1/4 the size of Canada with over 100 times our population, 1/2 our fresh water and now less that 1/5 of our natural resources. :shrug:
Ditto China... Hell...the USA'll have that kind of problem soon...but who wants to emigrate FROM the USA?
More importantly, who the hell want's to let a billion out of work immigrants into their country. You need jobs before you can move anyone around. That's why third world towns all have shandy villages around them. Folk from the now-desert farming regions all move towards the cities hoping for work. But there's not enough work for the people already there.
Professur said:
More importantly, who the hell want's to let a billion out of work immigrants into their country.
Depends on how they're treated. Offer them a deal...minimum wage work on the prairies for the first 3 years in Canada. After that...they're free to move province. Or...grab up the high end immigrants first...those with skills that we need. Opens up work over there and over here...we get skilled folks.

Canadaa's problem is that we're too concentrated in too few city centers...with too much geography between them. Precious little industry rises out of places where the population of a town might be 1100. Drive that population up enough...Poof, a Walmart magically appears, and a McDs, maybe other businesses.

Face it...Canada needs another Montreal-like/Toronto-like place or more, on the prairies. could do with another 20 major centers. T'aint going to happen with the way our birthrate's going....we're going to have to import. :shrug:
I guess Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina, and Edmonton aren't worth mentionning, eh?

Dude, take an economics class. There's a reason Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Vancouver exist. Waterfront. Shipping. Dig a canal to Saskatoon and watch it bloom. But while there's nothing but wheat out there, there's not gonna be anything other than farmers. And farming right now can't support the workers they already have.
Back to the Op, this is sad. Sounds to me like there is a shitload of spoiled little brat Italian boys to me.

“Right now I am single, so why would I give up traveling, my bike, the car, the clothes to waste money on rent? I would only start making such sacrifices when I find the right woman,” Orsenigo said.

His mother doesn’t seem to share his view.

”I keep telling him that it is time to find his own place,” Enrica Turconi said. “He’s become a burden, and he behaves like a guest in a hotel: I wash and iron, cut the grass and paint the walls, no wonder he doesn’t want to leave.”
WTF, he doesn't even pay rent? Sacrifices? Sacrifices like supporting yourself, you 30 year old waste of flesh?
She whines, but then, she's an enabler too. Stop feeding him, bitch. Change the locks. Stop doing his fucking laundry. Walk into his room when he's jerking off. Trust me, he'll leave post haste.
Professur said:
I guess Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina, and Edmonton aren't worth mentionning, eh?
Not taht they're not worth mentioning, it's just that I got tired of writing City names. :)

You just need to look at the USA to see how the 'farming states' can boom industrially. Access to water is nice, but railway systems help too.

It might not look it, but there's plenty of water even on the prairies.
Professur said:
She whines, but then, she's an enabler too. Stop feeding him, bitch. Change the locks. Stop doing his fucking laundry. Walk into his room when he's jerking off. Trust me, he'll leave post haste.

It's a cultural thing. If they insist on keeping the "Stay at home unil you marry" rule, then the parents should start with arranged marriages again.
MrBishop said:
Not taht they're not worth mentioning, it's just that I got tired of writing City names. :)

You just need to look at the USA to see how the 'farming states' can boom industrially. Access to water is nice, but railway systems help too.

It might not look it, but there's plenty of water even on the prairies.

And precious little of it navigable. And no access to the ocean at all. Besides, they already have railroads. What do you think they use to ship all that wheat?

If you really wanna build a new city, you want to look east. Coast of Labrador. Shedloads of power from Churchill falls, ocean view. Milder winters than Montreal. Right about here should do. Now you just have to get people to want to live there.
Professur said:
If you really wanna build a new city, you want to look east. Coast of Labrador. Now you just have to get people to want to live there.

And thus we go back to the "if you want are the rules: Rule#1 Enjoy your stay in Labrador (min 3 years) Rule#2 Not applicable for EI until after those 3 years. Have a nice day. :)
What "makes people want to live there" is entrepreneurs opening businesses there and supplying jobs. If I have to do 3 years at minimum wage for the priveledge of providing that for you, you can keep it.
MrBishop said:
And thus we go back to the "if you want are the rules: Rule#1 Enjoy your stay in Labrador (min 3 years) Rule#2 Not applicable for EI until after those 3 years. Have a nice day. :)

My Gawd, Bish, what colour is the sky in your world today? Fucia? you'd instantly have human rights groups raping your ass with rules like that. And you'd never, ever be allowed to retract the good bits, like being let in to start with. Remember the janitor at the Shang? Little guy, big smile all the time. No, not Ming, the other guy. He was a cop in his native country. Here, with all his training and abilities, he's a janitor. A happy, smiling janitor. What does that tell you?