Shaving? :)

I've been shaving since 13 (when I had a bum-fluff mustache). I need to shave every day, but usually end up shaving every third day because I'm lazy about it.

Yeah the Mach 3's aren't bad. Had one for a while, but I'm a sucker for the flexible blades Schick have.

The Schick Xtreme III has three blades like the Mach 3, but they're flexible as well. Nothing shaves quicker, and I rarely get any nicks and cuts, where as I used to with the original Schick series.

I don't use shaving foam, I use Shave Oil instead now. It's good stuff, it's got macadamia nut and wheatgerm oil, vitamin E, French lavander, geranium, bergamont and sandlewood essential oils. That's one major reason why I rarely get nicks and cuts now. There's no red-ness and it doubles as a decent after shave.
Originally posted by Bink
I don't use shaving foam, I use Shave Oil instead now. It's good stuff, it's got macadamia nut and wheatgerm oil, vitamin E, French lavander, geranium, bergamont and sandlewood essential oils.

Wow, what a poof.


Heres a days growth, taken a few months back :D
oh yea, i was tired as hell then too :p


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Pioicture 001.jpg
The real question here is, were you soooooooooooooo lonely & fed up @hwc that now, with an OT Forum of your very own, there are really 32 repies to a shaving thread. Damn ?( :D
Originally posted by Justintime
Man, i've been shaving since 13, and its annoying! damn my genetic heritage, 3 days on i look like a damn Taliban :D
Still looking for that perfect solution for a close shave, tried machines, no good, razors are ok but hell i hate the cuts! any really good Razors, solutions out there? :D

Dude, maybe you should wax your face.


P.S. Ask Bink about it, I hear he's pretty good with the girlie stuff.