Shoot it down!


Well-Known Member
Iran Fires ‘Space Shot’ at West
Iran is blasting into space, launching a ten foot-long research rocket with a very special pay load : A mouse, two turtles, and a can of worms.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called it a “big event.” “The scientific arena is where we defeat the West’s domination,” he added.

The West is, taking this, and past Iranian “space shots” seriously.

I guess we know why those new anti-ballistic missile systems were sent to the gulf now.

If we don't shoot this missile down, and let them gain this knowledge,
I personally consider it a dereliction of duty.
Gain what knowledge?? How mice, worms and turtles deal with space flight?

Why shoot it down? It's a 10'foot long missile going into orbit. Far too small and with not enough power to carry anything nuclear for any distance.

In an interview, he said Iran would now accept a UN offer to send its uranium abroad for enrichment in an effort to monitor its suspect nuclear program.
Iran announced today that it had fired a research rocket carrying several small animals into space, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Jan. 22).
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lauded the launch of the Kavoshgar 3 rocket, which was shown on official television taking flight after being loaded with two turtles, a mouse and several animals that appeared to be worms.

"The scientific arena is where we could defeat the (West's) domination," Ahmadinejad said, calling the launch a "very big event."
"This is the first presence of animals in space launched by Iran. It's the start of bigger achievements," he said (Associated Press/Washington Times, Feb. 3). Iran soon hopes to place astronauts in space, Reuters quoted him as saying (Hafezi/Derakhshi, Reuters, Feb. 3).

The Iranian president also revealed three new, domestically built satellites, dubbed Mesbah 2, Tolo and Navid-e-Elm-o-Sanat.
Iran's program for launching its own satellites has raised international concerns, as technology used to place orbiters into space can also be applied to ballistic missiles. The Middle Eastern state put its first indigenously produced satellite into orbit in February 2009 (Associated Press).

Still, one analyst said the launch was "not particularly more significant than the last one or the next one," Reuters reported.
"They contribute to Iran's ballistic missile capabilities, but do not foretell an ICBM capability or anything else capable of threatening Western Europe or the U.S. homeland," said Mark Fitzpatrick, of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.

"The more significant missile development is the testing of the solid-fueled Sajjil missile," he said.
Iran's ballistic missiles pose a growing threat to the United States and allied assets in the region, the U.S. Defense Department said in a report this week (Hafezi/Derakhshi, Reuters, Feb. 3).'d miss.
A US missile defence test designed to shoot down long-range missiles was aborted when the radar system failed.

Rick Lehner, a Missile Defense Agency spokesman, said the target missile represented the type of technology that North Korea or Iran might develop.
The target was launched from the Marshall Islands in the Pacific and the interceptor missile from California.

The Pentagon said those two components performed as expected, but the sea-based X-band radar system failed.

The system has been under development for many years at the cost of tens of billions of dollars, and the Pentagon will be embarrassed by the failure, says the BBC security correspondent Nick Childs.

In the exercise on Sunday, a target missile was fired from Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, and the interceptor from Vandenberg Air Force base in California, the Missile Defense Agency said.

The target represented "the type of technology that a country such as North Korea or Iran might be able to develop in the future that would threaten the United States," Mr Lehner told the French news agency, AFP.

The test came as the Pentagon released a report warning that Iran and North Korea's intermediate and shorter-range missiles posed regional threats to US forces and their allies.

Last week, the US said it was speeding up the deployment of ships off the Iranian coast and Patriot anti-missile systems in several Gulf countries to counter what it sees as a growing Iranian threat.

An investigation would be conducted into the cause of the test failure, US officials said.
Gain what knowledge?? How mice, worms and turtles deal with space flight?

Why shoot it down?

Gain? yep...what knowledge...
How about numbers, experience, problems to overcome in the future, and a whole
host of other valuable knowledge.
come on man, really. Why does anyone do experiments?

Why shoot it down? I think I just answered that.
It would have also given us some more practice, but now it's just another
lost opportunity by this admin.
Gutless idiots.
missile defense is important.... gotta get the chemical oxygen iodine laser implemented before Iran and North Korea have missiles.

and the best part about COIL is that we can make it look like an accident "oh no! it must have burned up on re-entry"
It would have also given us some more practice, but now it's just another
lost opportunity by this admin.
Gutless idiots.

yeah that's brilliant. utterly assure vastly intensified belligerence from iran by shooting down a tiny rocket with a few small animals that is no threat to anything. truly brilliant.

maybe we should down the space vehicles of ANY non-NATO country, too, just, you know, for practice.
yeah that's brilliant. utterly assure vastly intensified belligerence from iran by shooting down a tiny rocket with a few small animals that is no threat to anything. truly brilliant.

maybe we should down the space vehicles of ANY non-NATO country, too, just, you know, for practice.

oh, It would have been great.
Believe me, there's a lot more here.

That missile was just a part of something I don't quite see yet wholly,
but there's more to come....just keep watching.
They've silenced the media there, but it's going to be bad soon...maybe in just a few more hours.

There's upheaval astir there.
yeah that's brilliant. utterly assure vastly intensified belligerence from iran by shooting down a tiny rocket with a few small animals that is no threat to anything. truly brilliant.

maybe we should down the space vehicles of ANY non-NATO country, too, just, you know, for practice.

Id be interested to hear your take on Iran practicing with rockets.
hidely ho gonz. i used the power of the internet to reveal that iran has a lot more than the stupid turtle rocket, which, by comparison, seems kinda not so significant.

these are bigger than ten feet.


next time, try it yourself! or, if you don;t believe me, try googling "iran rocket inventory" as i did and see what you get! life is like a box of chocolates after all.
I didn't ask about the rockets. I was wondering what you thought about them using them but never mind.
yeah that's brilliant. utterly assure vastly intensified belligerence from iran by shooting down a tiny rocket with a few small animals that is no threat to anything. truly brilliant.

Well, the level of aggression from 'nutjob has increased anyway since the "enlightened" seated the man-child 0bama on the throne, so what harm could it do? All Barry would have to say is that it is Booooosh's fault and that would make everything okeydokey!