Well-Known Member
holyphreakingcrackas ...
whoa .. gone a few days and I miss everything!
re: topic 1
Justin - you look great with and without a goatee ... but like Les said, it can get a little "scratchy" ... you might wanna consider that and if your gf has sensitive skin
re: topic 2
I agree with HomeLAN - I've seen pics of Rob with short hair and he looks great... but since I know when and why he started growing his hair out, it'd be hard for me to tell him to cut it *sends subliminal messages ... cut your hair ... cut your hair*[/siz]
re: topic 3
Ku'u - Mie looks exactly like you in that pic!
... I know you asked me to cut your hair a while back ... I promise I'll stop being a scum friend and will fit you in to my schedule some time this week 
whoa .. gone a few days and I miss everything!
re: topic 1
Justin - you look great with and without a goatee ... but like Les said, it can get a little "scratchy" ... you might wanna consider that and if your gf has sensitive skin
re: topic 2
I agree with HomeLAN - I've seen pics of Rob with short hair and he looks great... but since I know when and why he started growing his hair out, it'd be hard for me to tell him to cut it *sends subliminal messages ... cut your hair ... cut your hair*[/siz]
re: topic 3
Ku'u - Mie looks exactly like you in that pic!