
New Member
Ya know how when yer in Junior High Gym an' all, an' ya gotta share an open shower room with yer friends an' "enemies" alike?

I mean, maybe some a y'all jus' didn't care, but I remember bein' there, feelin' like partitioned stalls woulda been like "heaven" compared to open ones.

Regardless of yer own view, (as a junior higher), of yer particular stage of "development", other kids can be so cruel!

I remember one kid in my 6th grade class, who was torn to shreds by the laughter of the "more developed" boys in the group, like every other class day, because of his lack of "development". (Felt sorry for the kid, as well as more self-conscious).

Other verbal scarrin' from other kids, on other topics, was bad enough, let alone on such a much more "personal" level.

Thinkin' now, of my own junior high sons, feelin' like I've taught them how much more to life there is, than our "appearance", still I wonder if partitioned stalls are, or should be the general common-place in todays public schools.

How do ya remember yer own experience?

How is it for yer youngins today?
i never took showers after gym in middle school, because i was too insecure. i'd rather stink for the rest of the day than have all the other girls be able to see me. even fully clothed, i was teased for being "fat", even tho i wasnt, but they still made me feel that way.
in fact, to tell the truth, i didnt often participate in gym class at all then. i hated having to change into my gym uniform, too. i hated wearing shorts, i hated having to wear red and white together, i hated not having any athletic shoes to wear, i hated being teased because of how dorky i looked in the uniform. so most of the time, i just said "screw it", and sat out. i failed it, needless to say.

middle schoolers are so fucking cruel.
see, cos i think while guys have to worry about the development of certain organs, etc... girls all think they're fat, and their boobs are too small, or too big, or whatever. girls, in general, are more insecure about their bodies, i think.
Absolute bloody hell! is the only way I can describe having to take showers after games at school at that age. I think making kids take showers in open stalls is sadistic to say the least.
At that age , it never mattered to me how developed a girl was... I'd have showered with any of them...:D
Well, I also think it is cruel to force kids to take showers. Some can be very cruel and that can have a negative influence on other children. Those that are secure enough should be allowed to, or at least provide some private stalls for those that are a bit shy.

Now personally, well, I couldn't give a damn in the showers... I have been teased a lot (uncut, size, etc., all that shit), but I was more pissed than harmed and in general took it in good humor. These days guys don't do that shit anymore... and if they did, I would just kiss them naked in the showers as payback.

I'm not really the shy type, nor do I get freaked out if I see naked guys.
Squiggy said:
At that age , it never mattered to me how developed a girl was... I'd have showered with any of them...:D
Oo, thats one thing I've never actually done... Taking a shower with a girl. I am a little hesitant here...
ash r said:
i never took showers after gym in middle school, because i was too insecure. i'd rather stink for the rest of the day than have all the other girls be able to see me. even fully clothed, i was teased for being "fat", even tho i wasnt, but they still made me feel that way.
in fact, to tell the truth, i didnt often participate in gym class at all then. i hated having to change into my gym uniform, too. i hated wearing shorts, i hated having to wear red and white together, i hated not having any athletic shoes to wear, i hated being teased because of how dorky i looked in the uniform. so most of the time, i just said "screw it", and sat out. i failed it, needless to say.

middle schoolers are so fucking cruel.

Thanks Ash, for, what was perhaps, a "painfully" honest confession!

I share yer sentiment an' it sometimes causes me to take a whole different approach to the occasional "underdog" in my now, "grown-up" world, instead of jus' tryin' to appear "acceptable" to my peers, for laughin' along with those who are esteemed by most as "strong".

.............principle in life really hasn't changed eh?:)
Jerrek said:
Squiggy said:
At that age , it never mattered to me how developed a girl was... I'd have showered with any of them...:D
Oo, thats one thing I've never actually done... Taking a shower with a girl. I am a little hesitant here...
Huh? ?( Why should you hesitate?
I managed exempt all of the high school gym requirements... so I was never put in that position. I'm sure that I would only be mildly uncomfortable with it since I had been playing school sports since I was 12 and had been starkers in front of the guys roughly 200 times. I guess I was just numb to it.
in middle school/high school nobody ever showered after Phys-ed class, i can't speak for extra-curriculars but i think most folks just wanted to be anyplace else than gym class.
I never went to a school where people were made to shower after gym, and subsequently, no one ever did. We did have to shower after HS basketball practice though, and for some reason, I don't think anyone was uncomfortable with it. Some of the kids would even soap up the floor in between the two bays of showers (40 ft apart maybe) and slide around :rolleyes:
Same here.. never had to shower at school gyms until college... by then it was normal to see a guy casually stroll in... in all his glory. :rolleyes:
aye.. plenty of dirty old men tooling around in their birthday suits in college locker rooms.. very disturbing. :(
I never took a shower in gym class. Few of the guys ever did. The ones who did were made fun of.

I hated gym class. I dressed out because I didn't want to flunk, but it was mostly just a waste of time. I think our middle school coach tried to make it more interesting by having us do different things and actually teaching us techniques. By high school, though, the coach we had was just babysitting us-- and not doing a very good job at that. He had a night job as a security guard and would nap in the dugout while we did our own thing. Older kids who were skipping class would come out on the field to play tackle football. I was so glad when I finished my second year and didn't have to take it any more.
didnt take one either. showered at night in HS and now in college i shower in the morning before school. and the only people id want to see is if im taking a shower with a girl she can see me in said shower :D
I had to dress out and shower for gym. It never really bothered me. :shrug: