
AlphaTroll said:
I don't boink bunnies.

And last night I did not boink any other boinkable thing either.

Just drank so much my noombies cramped up.

Whoops,sorry its was BOP

BeardofPants said:
Ah, went for a 4+ hour walk - balmy sunny day with that kick-ass autumn/winter haze; not a cloud in the sky. I love the lighting in winter. Even better, we came home and boinked like bunnies. ;)
Musta been a bit mentally flustered.
just had a young woman sit at my desk at triage. i thought she was 18 or 19. when i typed her name in, her age came up as 14.
Winky, if your Russian looks anything like she did, be afraid. be very afraid.
8 hours into a 12 hour shift and so far only 4 patients. 4 hours from setting a new low record.
nope. got #6 about an hour after the last post. tied the record for the third time.
I just had the crap scared out of me. Unc is taking Tonks to work, and they took the kids with them while SL and I are at their house. I thought they left the kids with us, so when I realized they weren't here, I was a little spooked for a minute.
Atlanta's currently 93F with only 34% humidity, while we've got 93F with 61% humidity. Why couldn't the BBQ be this weekend instead of 2 weeks ago? Also my brother's stranded at his job after the kids at his day camp lost his car keys.
its finally cooling down in Toronto its 89 tonight no humidex yesterday it was around 93 and 105 with the humidex.
lets hope at stays warm for the weekend its camping time :beardbng: