
mine were open but it was till to hot because i get all the afternoon sun (I face west) so I went out and bought a new A/C
That's a better plan. But if you shut the house up first thing in the morning and shut the drapes on the sunny windows it actually ain't bad.

We have an old house and none of the windows in the joint are big enough for an a/c. So it's either spring for central air, or go get a standalone in the middle of the floor one.
closing the drapes and all that dosent make much of a difference here for the few days i didnt have an a/c i had the place nice and dark and it still got to hot in here, it was so hot my fish tank temperature is off the scale (it dosen't read higher the 86) and before that with the heater running it was always at 79-80
Leslie said:
That's a better plan. But if you shut the house up first thing in the morning and shut the drapes on the sunny windows it actually ain't bad.

We have an old house and none of the windows in the joint are big enough for an a/c. So it's either spring for central air, or go get a standalone in the middle of the floor one.

They make air conditioners for windows that are skinny and tall instead of wide and short... they're meant for windows that slide side to side instead of up and down but they can work for skinny up-down windows, too... I've seen it done.
Inkara1 said:
They make air conditioners for windows that are skinny and tall instead of wide and short... they're meant for windows that slide side to side instead of up and down but they can work for skinny up-down windows, too... I've seen it done.

skinny side to sides, y90u know BIG picture window that doesn'topen up top teeny skinny windows on bottom, haven't seen them here yet, the ones that would fit that.
Djcake said:
its finally cooling down in Toronto its 89 tonight no humidex yesterday it was around 93 and 105 with the humidex.
lets hope at stays warm for the weekend its camping time :beardbng:

DUDE, the humidity was HELL yesterday

I hope the thundershowers last night took care of that
AlphaTroll said:
So when is the actual shoutbox ever going to work again?

If someone wants to learn to code VB and undertake it .....

The shoutbox is a hack to the code, not part of the original program. The old hack didn't translate well during the last upgrade (which we desperately needed for security reasons) and Sam's got a lot more on his plate these days to deal with than that.

I know of four people with the capability to handle it. All of them are already swamped managing what they're already undertaken, or are MIA, or both.
Leslie said:
That's a better plan. But if you shut the house up first thing in the morning and shut the drapes on the sunny windows it actually ain't bad.

We have an old house and none of the windows in the joint are big enough for an a/c. So it's either spring for central air, or go get a standalone in the middle of the floor one.

There is a couple of other options. One is to excise a bit of wall. No, it's not as drastic as it sounds. A good contractor can do it in about an hour. The other option is to install a cheapy outside, and duct the cold air in. That's about 20 minutes work with some sheet aluminium, tin snips, a drill and a pop-rivet gun. I saw a couple of examples of that while camping. People with tents had Home Depot air conditioners ducted into their tents. I really, really couldn't stop laughing.

We made do with a 12" fan, and were plenty comfortable.
i got 3 hours of sleep and spent all day on a boat fishing.
i'm exhausted and sunburnt but my belly is full of fresh sea bass.
all in all, i'd have to say it was an excellent day. :)
Professur said:
There is a couple of other options. One is to excise a bit of wall. No, it's not as drastic as it sounds. A good contractor can do it in about an hour. The other option is to install a cheapy outside, and duct the cold air in. That's about 20 minutes work with some sheet aluminium, tin snips, a drill and a pop-rivet gun. I saw a couple of examples of that while camping. People with tents had Home Depot air conditioners ducted into their tents. I really, really couldn't stop laughing.

We made do with a 12" fan, and were plenty comfortable.

:rofl: Ahh, roughing it.

Edit: I'm out of practice, but if you can't carry it a days walk...
paul_valaru said:
skinny side to sides, y90u know BIG picture window that doesn'topen up top teeny skinny windows on bottom, haven't seen them here yet, the ones that would fit that.
Yep. The only ones that open downstairs are on the bottom of monster high yet narrow picture windows, and the screens are about the size of a biggish coffee table book. The bedrooms are about that short, but a bit longer, but still. We be fooked.
Professur said:
There is a couple of other options. One is to excise a bit of wall. No, it's not as drastic as it sounds. A good contractor can do it in about an hour. The other option is to install a cheapy outside, and duct the cold air in. That's about 20 minutes work with some sheet aluminium, tin snips, a drill and a pop-rivet gun. I saw a couple of examples of that while camping. People with tents had Home Depot air conditioners ducted into their tents. I really, really couldn't stop laughing.

We made do with a 12" fan, and were plenty comfortable.

100+ year old house, crumbly exising the wall
paul_valaru said:
100+ year old house, crumbly exising the wall

You'd be amazed at the job one of those gas powered cement saws does on crumbly brick. Hardly disturbs it at all on the way thorugh.

but, hey, it's your call. I well recall trying to sleep in the hottest part of the day. At least my bedroom was in the basement.