Showing off my neice


Kissy Goddess
It was her grad last weekend. I just think she's so beautiful. The boy she took to her grad is her next door neighbour, they have been best buds since babies! One is her brother - in the green and then there was some weird lady who thought she was the prom queen. :D
He's a next door neighbour that grew up with her. I used to babysit him!! And now he's googly over her, she thinks of him as a buddy. The bubbles - they have a hot tub in thier backyard and they had a grad party at her house after. Bubbles, malibu rum... giggly girls.
attachment.php THAT's a Grad party! ;)
I was thinking a baby or something (hit the first pic before reading the post) & damn :eek: No hungry babies there :D