
"That just when you think you can't be any more shocked ..."

Since you obviously have no sense of nuance I will fully parse and give you the complete answer which no one else here needed because they have a sense of nuance and could readily figure out what was meant. That is because thay are in possession of one very important item which you seem to lack ... a fuckin' brain.

"That just when you think you can't be any more shocked ... along comes some stupid son of a bitch who takes a battering ram to your sensibilities and takes the incredible to new highs."


That just when you think you can't be any more shocked

We all believe that we have seen it all and that there can't be more than what we have seen.

along comes some stupid son of a bitch

In this case some Islamist asshole.

who takes a battering ram to your sensibilities

Shocks you beyond your wildest dreams with something so outrageous.

and takes the incredible to new highs.

The very repugnance of the thought or deed is dwarfed by this new information.

Did that get through?

Our comfort zones are invaded by the likes of this Islamist clown, who you will likely defend as you do every other wacko Islamist.

Some examples for you pea sized cranial tumor:

When we thought murder couldn't get any more gruesome, along came Richard Speck; then Ted Bundy; then Charles Manson; then Richard Ramirez; then Jefferey Dahmer.

We had Hitler; who was dwarfed by Stalin; who was dwarfed by Mao; who was dwarfed by Pol Pot.

Beirut, then the African embassies, then the Cole, then 9/11.

There will always be something greater than that which came before and that something will again shock our sensibilities anew, dwarfing all that came before, and we will all ask "Holy crap! Can it get any worse?"


It can.

And it will.

Now I know that this is still not the answer you want but you can save the keystrokes asking me to answer the answer to the answer again, and again, and again. Your idiotic ramblings are just too stupid and assinine for words. I'm tired of dealing with you.

Back on ignore you go.

Since you obviously have no sense of nuance I will fully parse and give you the complete answer which no one else here needed because they have a sense of nuance and could readily figure out what was meant. That is because thay are in possession of one very important item which you seem to lack ... a fuckin' brain.

Make some shit up and troll some more Jim. Everybody loves that.

"That just when you think you can't be any more shocked ... along comes some stupid son of a bitch who takes a battering ram to your sensibilities and takes the incredible to new highs."

See you missed the question again Jimbo. Either it's a copout and you're intentionally avoiding the question or you didn't comprehend the question. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and further explain.

The question was what was your point or the relevance of posting it in this thread. Now the last two words are the part you're missing I believe.

Your answer was that you posted it because it shocked you. Now the thing I'm wondering is why you decide to post random things that shock you in this thread.

How does the post relate to the discussion about the FLDS? In other words we were discussing a case aginst the FLDS and you posted something about some Saudi guy. In what way is this related to the FLDS discussion in your mind?

Are you following this yet? If it was anyone else I would guess they posted a story about a twisted practices of marrying children because they consider the FLDS' practices twisted too. But we know that you defended FLDS practices so I'm guessing maybe you posted it to say "that's not sick...this is sick".

If you don't make your point you leave everyone to guess at what your point is. Getting the idea? I'm asking what point or relavance your post has to this thread?
Here we go again ...,2933,405129,00.html

Texas Authorities Seek Custody of Polygamist Sect's Children

Sunday, August 17, 2008

SAN ANGELO, Texas — More than two months after being forced to return children from a polygamist sect to their parents, Texas child welfare authorities want eight youngsters put back in foster care.

Individual hearings for the four mothers of the children, who range in age from 5 to 17, are set to begin Monday.

Child Protective Services has asked a judge to return the children to foster care because their mothers have allegedly refused to limit their contact with men accused of being involved in underage marriages.

(NOTE: So I guess that part of the Constitution which ensures freedom of association does not apply to these people - j)

"We continue to have concerns in particular for these eight children, which is why we have asked the judge to review the case," said CPS spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner.

None of the children live at the Yearning For Zion Ranch in Eldorado, from where authorities took roughly 440 children into foster care in April. Officials said the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which established the ranch, was forcing girls into underage marriages and grooming boys to be adult abusers.

The Texas Supreme Court forced CPS to return the children to their parents six weeks after they were placed in foster care because the agency presented evidence of no more than a handful of teenage girls being abused. Many of the children taken into CPS custody were infants and toddlers.

In the new petitions filed by CPS seeking foster placement for the eight children, the agency detailed alleged underage marriages involving the children's fathers or stepfathers, though only one faces criminal charges.

The FLDS believes polygamy brings glory in heaven. It is a breakaway sect of the mainstream Mormon church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which officially renounced polygamy more than a century ago.

Its leader, Warren Jeffs, already convicted in Utah as an accomplice to rape, awaits trial in Arizona on charges of being an accomplice to sexual contact with a minor — all stemming from alleged underage marriages within the sect