signature issues

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Love to do the tracert but im on my work PC, which also means no cache clearing.....CB said she was having the same issue, maybe its some European network fuckuppery?
For gawds sake people, you really think im petty enough to blok a whole freaking country or hemisphere.

Posted Today at 10:24 AM by Steweygrrr:
LOL Claire
thanks for the giggle but it's something thats been building for some time, I just never found a reason to do it. Now I've got more than one
Posted Today at 10:20 AM by ClaireBear:
Aaaaaaarrrhhh! BAD FEELING ALERT! Stew... throw salt ober your left shoulder and turn around three times.... or we could just delete our shouts!

Posted Today at 10:13 AM by Steweygrrr:
Bah good riddance......I think the time has come for me not to post anymore on said's changed too much and none for the better imho

Posted Today at 10:10 AM by ClaireBear:
Bish - Yup.. it was proxy time outs a go go for me too earlier... so I gave up!
Hardly anyone ever speaks to me there anyway...

Posted Today at 10:08 AM by Steweygrrr:
Yeah Marc, I can't get said it's my problem, not with the site
I said id look into it and i did, it takes a little time for me to ge ahold of the host and have them do traces to figure out where the problem lies. There was a problem and now its fixed (hopefully) but jesus the conspiracies are a flying arent they.
samcurry said:
I said id look into it and i did, it takes a little time for me to ge ahold of the host and have them do traces to figure out where the problem lies. There was a problem and now its fixed (hopefully) but jesus the conspiracies are a flying arent they.
Sam, calm down. It had nothing to do with the connection issues. My reasons are my own and I'll do everyone a favour and not broadcast them and make a scene, so I'll just slip out quietly.

Been nice knowing you all :)
Glad to see the site running smoothly again. It was getting frustrating timing out every 5 mins or so, once in the middle of a post. :(
Glad it's back for you.

Next time you get that for a longish time Bish, or anyone, go Start->Run->type Cmd and Enter, and type tracert can highlight and copy the result and paste it here, and then fury can get a better idea of what's goin on, if it's something to do with us.
What's up with people acting like essfour, is it a contagious disease or something?

If you say something MEAN IT, if you want to leave this place why are you so worried about the usergroup you are being put, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE HERE ANYWAY!, if after some weeks, months, years you decide to come back all you have to do is ask to be put in a regular usergroup and it MIGHT get done. But acting like this is just plain silly and we are more than familiar with that behaviour, we will deal with it the way we see fit.

Leslie said:
Glad it's back for you.

Next time you get that for a longish time Bish, or anyone, go Start->Run->type Cmd and Enter, and type tracert can highlight and copy the result and paste it here, and then fury can get a better idea of what's goin on, if it's something to do with us.

This work for any OS?

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\marcg>^V
'▬' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Documents and Settings\marcg>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 9 ms 8 ms 9 ms
2 15 ms 8 ms 9 ms
3 16 ms 9 ms 11 ms
4 9 ms 11 ms 11 ms
5 11 ms 10 ms 9 ms [
6 34 ms 30 ms 29 ms [66.198.8
7 31 ms 29 ms 30 ms [207.45.222.
8 30 ms 31 ms 29 ms [
9 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms [
10 103 ms 99 ms 107 ms []
11 101 ms 100 ms 99 ms [64
12 99 ms 104 ms 100 ms []
13 103 ms 100 ms 101 ms [216.193.192
14 99 ms 99 ms 100 ms []

Trace complete.

Hope this actually means something for you guys...'cause for's mostly gobblegoop.
It looks good, the timings are a bit slow (unless you're on a dialup) but still tolerable.
whoa whoa I said it has nothing to do with any of this, seriously :)
Anyhoo....catch ya laters....leave me account open, I may be back in the future
Sorry if this sounds stupid (probably smarter than most of the rest of this thread though :retard: ), but reading all of this...

I just don't get it... *shakes head*
samcurry said:
For gawds sake people, you really think im petty enough to blok a whole freaking country or hemisphere.

Posted Today at 10:24 AM by Steweygrrr:
LOL Claire
thanks for the giggle but it's something thats been building for some time, I just never found a reason to do it. Now I've got more than one
Posted Today at 10:20 AM by ClaireBear:
Aaaaaaarrrhhh! BAD FEELING ALERT! Stew... throw salt ober your left shoulder and turn around three times.... or we could just delete our shouts!

Posted Today at 10:13 AM by Steweygrrr:
Bah good riddance......I think the time has come for me not to post anymore on said's changed too much and none for the better imho

Posted Today at 10:10 AM by ClaireBear:
Bish - Yup.. it was proxy time outs a go go for me too earlier... so I gave up!
Hardly anyone ever speaks to me there anyway...

Posted Today at 10:08 AM by Steweygrrr:
Yeah Marc, I can't get said it's my problem, not with the site

Well thanks for this Sam... quoting me totally out of context... you have no idea what was said between Stew and myself via PM... but yet you assume you understand the context of the shout...

If anyone is being childish, melodramatic and going off the deep end its YOU!

I for one don't like my comments made on one board spread to another...

If I even needed another reason to feel persecuted disliked and the need to keep away from this place and the people who frequent it.... THIS WOULD BE IT!

Sorry Sam but if anyone asks... I'm out!
Perhaps you could give us a quick synposis of the context, lest some misinterpret the shouts. That seems like one or two sentences that would significantly aid the discussion at hand, much more so than another "no, YOU'RE being childish, so I'm going to leave and I REALLY REALLY MEAN IT this time!" salvo.
Inky, just to clear this up.....I will not be activley posting here anymore. This has nothing to do with the situation in this thread nor the connection issues. Just personal stuff :)

I may drop in from time to time but I won't be hugely active.
Stop Laughing said:
Sorry if this sounds stupid (probably smarter than most of the rest of this thread though :retard: ), but reading all of this...

I just don't get it... *shakes head*

A couple of things, to clear the air. I am going to be frank, so hold on to your knickers :):

First off, please do not copy and paste messages from the shoutbox on the playing it loud message board into this forum. I find this in very poor taste, and I would think that you would be able to see that. If I see that happen again, I will block the person who does it. Link to the forum if you like, though I still find that a bit petty, but please do not copy and paste posts from the forum without credit. I believe this goes against your own AUP.

Secondly, I had thought that Sam, myself and Mirlyn had resolved certain issues to everyones satisfaction, and that we had agreed that if any further issues should arise, that we would maintain an open communication and try to resolve them together. This does not appear to be happening, and I am puzzled as to the reason why.

Thirdly, since it seems that this needs to be said publically, the playing it loud message board was created by myself and Mirlyn, to be a music centered forum firstly, as well as a place for people to get together and chat about life. We did not post publically about the creation of this forum on OTC, because we specifically wanted to avoid any issues with membership, and because we were looking for a more diverse membership from around the net. The fact that a number of people from OTC post on the playing it loud message board is the result of people inviting people inviting other people. I believe that this is generally the way things work online, and I didn't see it as an issue until it apparently became one. This is not a "secret" forum, and everyone is welcome.

Playing it Loud

Feel free to check it out anytime.

As for any issues that members of both boards have with the administration of this site, or of playing it loud, I would be more than happy, as I have stated over and over in private message and IM to do what I can to answer anyone's concerns to the best of my ability, openly and without hesitation. My email and my IM is always open. I would very much like to see this resolved without animosity and without creating any unessessary rifts between both boards and board members.

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
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