Signs of cheese-crazed behavior


New Member
Warning! Contents of this bag have been found to be DANGEROUSLY CHEESY. If exposed to this incredibly delicious substance, look for these signs of cheese-crazed behavior:

1. A craving for all things cheesy.
2. The inability to share an open bag with others.
3. Fingers and tongue constantly orange.
4. The unavoidable desire to hug a Cheetah - specifically one names Chester Cheetah.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you, my friend, are officially hooked ...

nalani, you still have hope. You share your Cheetos with me ... I'm honored.
true cheese addiction is when you sit there with a block and a shart knife cutting off wedges as a snack in front of the telly.

and then realise you're 1/2lb down.... :D
I only share them with special people :)

By the way, all you people out past Arizona .. the Cheetos you've been forced to eat are wrong ... they've been brainwashing you into thinking what you're eating is Cheetos, when in fact, it isn't ... *nod* .. don't be fooled by wrong Cheetos!
*nodding at ku'u* .. and you can use the Cheetos in conjunction with the fake shake as mortar when building a brick structure ... especially useful if you want that splash of color *nod*
What are "wrong" Cheetos? Do they make them differently for the rest of the country or something?
Hard to be face to face in an online enviornment. :D I guess that means 99% of us qualify for hating 99% of everyone else whenever someone speaks about anyone or anything. I hereby accuse you all of hate speech! ... everyone but that 1% mind you.
I think we have cheetos like you Na! I THINK! Not sure though. *wondering how much it would cost to mail Na a bag of cheetos so she can tell me if they're the same*
email me your addy, Nixy - and I'll send you a bag. I'll even toss in a Japanese washcloth :)
I am going away in a few weeks and then it will off to University. I'll email you my address at University when I move in and find out what it is. I'll even get a bag of Cheetos from Newfoundland (where I am going) so i can compare yours, the ones form Newfoundland, and the ones we get here in Ontario all at once!

YAY! Japanese washcloth!
Wow, Nix, you're worthy!

Nan, does that mean we have to order pizza so you'll have something to ship the washcloth and cheetos in? :p
I want to try those Japanese washcloths SO bad! I'm also sure I will have TONS of fun testing and eatting 3 bags of cheetos! (I'll need a super wash cloth after all that cheese!) I'll be sure to take many pics so everyone can see the different cheetos side by side and I'll even write a review!

*imaptient* I can't wait until September now! September first I will be moved in and have my addy there so I'll email it to you then Na! YAY!
Japanese washcloths can get so soapy and lathery and reach all kinds of spots!

*wondering why fury hasn't appeared in this cheese thread*
fury, have you outgrown cheese?

Edited by me to prevent Kuulani getting a custom title in her name ;) -Justin
kuulani said:
Wow, Nix, you're worthy!

Nan, does that mean we have to order pizza so you'll have something to ship the washcloth and cheetos in? :p

umm.. *thinking of something wise-cracky to say* ...



Justintime said:
Oh lord, nice sig jjr :laugh:
Thanks! I'm just a bit p/o'd at the moment with this guy from work who said a few untrue things about me which may lead to me having to get another job. The dumb fucker. I would have used it on my own board except I had just changed my saying there, and wanted to keep the new one for a while.

ANYway, I'm still wondering how Cheetos are different in different parts of the country?