Silence Is Golden.......


New Member
*peace* Ahhhhhh, How you have to love the silence of no noice after a hard nights work.
What's ur favorite quiet time?
Mare said:
*peace* Ahhhhhh, How you have to love the silence of no noice after a hard nights work.
What's ur favorite quiet time?

Never. Inside this noggin there is always piquant turbulence going on about.
Silence? There is never silence around here. Quiet would be somewhere out in the country, away from everything; where you can hear yourself think. THAT is silence.
Sometimes on Sunday nights we hitch a hay wagon to the tractor and pull it way out into the middle of a field and stop and climb into the wagon and lay on our backs in the hay and watch the stars and satellites and meteors and neither of us says a word.
My quite time is doing a yoga workout/meditation, or gym downstairs - providing there's not some stupid twitch clunking away using weights that are WAY too heavy for him... :mad: :rolleyes:
Around 01:00, when i do my meditation. Too bad i can never experience silence, my tinnitus is driving me crazy...
Understandable...My little guy is sick, he has strep and right iddle ear infection-thank God I jumped on getting them insurance -spent a whole morning in ER with him. Can always tell when start daycare the germs spread like wildfire.....So its been alittle quite with him resting-BUT rather see him up and healthy running around.
I'm not big on silence. Except when I'm going to sleep or I'm reading a book. I'd rather fill silence with my own thoughts or music.

Now, "alone" time, that's a different story. I don't get much of that either. Only the ride to and from work on Fridays, that's it.
Sharky said:
Sometimes on Sunday nights we hitch a hay wagon to the tractor and pull it way out into the middle of a field and stop and climb into the wagon and lay on our backs in the hay and watch the stars and satellites and meteors and neither of us says a word.

I know it is wrong but i hate you, i envy you in so many ways.