Silicon over sense.


Well-Known Member

Primary and secondary schools in the West Lothian area of Scotland have banned pupils from bringing camera phones into school.

The move, which will affect camera-phone owners among the 30,000 children in 77 schools in the area, has been taken over fears of how images taken within the school could be misused by paedophiles.

In response to the ban on camera phones she said: "I think too many people dictate too many things to parents in the vain hope that they are being PC. I think it's a little over the top. When I went to a school play once we were told that no cameras or videos allowed for the same reason."

In support of other parents faced with supplying children with new, camera-less phones she said: "I'd tell the school to shove it unless they are going to fund it."
Why does a child at school need a phone at all? I'm pretty certain the school would let them use a phone if they needed to. You're at school, what are you going to do, call another teacher at another school and get a second opinion on the Magna Carta?
Yeah, I'm not sure I understand why the kids need phones at school either. My 15 year old keeps telling me she needs a cell, I just keep on laughing. When she gets a job and can pay for it, then she can have it. When she runs up a $150 bill and can't pay for it, they can take it away. The part of this I don't like is not being able to take pictures of your kids at the school play, that's going a little too far.
I have one(highschool and all) and i've never used it at school... Hardly at all, in fact. I have no problem with them banning the camphones.
I don't think students should be allowed any kind of cell phone in schools. I had one when I was sixteen - for emergency purposes only. Kept it in the car. Never needed it in class.

There's no reason a student needs a cell phone at school. I can imagine a few special circumstance (ie - parent in the hospital and you're waiting on news or something .... i dunno), but really - all cell phones should be left at home/car.
it's just another distraction, the camera and games and ring tones and internet and kitchen sink only make them worse distractions. i'm glad i didn't have one in high school
They banned all phones when I was in HS. Didn't help much though, as all the administrators had them on their belts and never cracked down on students for it.

*just bought a new phone that does video/sound....WTF?*
Why is this even a problem? Students are in school to learn...not make phone calls, check beepers...etc.

One more for the books.

A policeman has been sacked after taking photos of two corpses while visiting a hospital mortuary.

The probationary Pc - who has not been named - used a camera phone to take the snaps while visiting Derriford Hospital in Plymouth as part of an induction course
it's not the phones that are the trouble as discussed in the first post and news article.. it's the cameras.

and i would be so fuck'n pissed if they'd not let me have my camera at school. i carry it with me everywhere... never know when you're going to need or want to snap a picture.
Professur said:
Which is, of course, the whole point. Noone knows when someone's doing it.

Exactly ,locker snaps making the internet and into the hands of child pornographers.The intent of the those taking the pics may be innocent,but the potential is illegal.

Working in a Photo lab you must be aware of the problems if someone brings in a roll of film of their child in the bath/partially clothed.Innocent enough as most of us probably have such baby pics of ourselves,but nowdays its can be cause for a police visit.Now put the capabillity in the hands of those who may not gleam the potential and the schools are in a potential liability situation.
Why not go all out and ban digital cameras altogether?
There's no film to develop, so no one will see the pics that you're taking unless you want them to...unless, of course, they end up on the internet like in the case of that poor innocent Paris Hilton.

Make students turf off their cel-phones while in class or not on break. A ringing cel is a pretty bad distraction in a classroom atmosphere.

I've only had to carry a cel-phone once (for a 2 month period) the end of MrsBish's pregnancy. It was for emergency purposes only...and is now disconnected. Frankly...being available all the time is a pain in the ass. I'd rather have a whole lot of "available to no-one" time than to be strapped down to my work, my family, my friends and telemarketers all day and all night.

Can't reach me....leave a message. I'll call you back...eventually. If I don't...and it's important...try again. Doesn't work...try email or Messenger, or here. It'll get to me eventually.
The thing with cellphones is the pic can be sent out instantly ,whereas a DC takes a bit more endeavor. I admit with the tiny size(and getting smaller) of DC they are also a privacy concern IMO.

Its not only Schools that are banning camera phones

I can't see any need for a primary school student to need a cellphone let alone a Camera phone .
Mobe-deprived teen attacks mother with knife
By Lester Haines
Posted: 29/03/2004 at 13:18 GMT
The Register Mobile: Find out what the fuss is about. Take the two week trial today.

A crazed 14-year-old girl from Hong Kong had to be subdued by police with pepper spray, after she attacked her dear old ma with a knife and wooden pole and chased her around their flat. This must rate as the Godzilla of all teen strops.

The mother had - clearly ill-advisedly - decided to confiscate her daughter's mobile phone. She ended up barricaded in her bedroom for her trouble, with the frenzied adolescent hacking at the door a la Jack Nicholson. Mercifully, the authorities intervened at that point.

Even more fortunate for the presumptuous parent is that her daughter did not have an Apple iPod to hand - the modern weapon of choice for techno-rage-related murders.

Indeed, the Internet was recently awash with grisly stories about a woman who battered her boyfriend to death with said device after he apparently objected to her illegal downloading and rubbed her entire MP3 archive.

Happily, that particular yarn was a hoax, although it didn't stop one UK broadsheet catching a nasty case of the "House of Horrors" in the headline department (OK, it was a throwaway diary piece in The Times).

Details of the Hong Kong terror ordeal are at present sketchy, although what facts we do have certainly contain the ring of truth - just ask anyone who has ever tried to surgically remove a PS2 from a teenager's grasp without back-up in the form of water-cannon and attack dogs.

The would-be matricide, btw, will not be charged and social services are dealing with the matter. ®

More phone hysteria

And there is yet another reason there won't be cell phones in my childrens hands.