Simpsons: Gay marriage shock

Mare said:
I just a few things to say......strictly my opinion ....
We wonder why we still have racism no adays.....
remember when blacks and women got the chance to vote...If gays want to marry it should be their right, adopt children? their right....
If people want their children to watch television, and its off peak "child hours" they should be prepared to explain what goes on.
I could go ON & ON.....but all get the general idea. Remember, this is just my opinion..... :lloyd:

Muchos agreement mare :band:
Mare said:
I just a few things to say......strictly my opinion ....
We wonder why we still have racism now adays.....
remember when blacks and women got the chance to vote...If gays want to marry it should be their right, adopt children? their right....
If people want their children to watch television, and its off peak "child hours" they should be prepared to explain what goes on.
I could go ON & ON.....but all get the general idea. Remember, this is just my opinion..... :lloyd:

Right on sister! :headbng2:
Professur said:
Pardon me, but they've always had the same rights as everyone else. Regardless of who's ass I shove my dick up, I'm restricted to marrying the opposite sex, just like they are. Gays can and have been marrying the opposite sex for centuries. They want a new right. The right to same sex marriage.

Yup prof.. but opposite sex only marriage hasn't denide you the right of marrying whoever it is you love... :shrug:
ClaireBear said:
Yup prof.. but opposite sex only marriage hasn't denide you the right of marrying whoever it is you love... :shrug:

Anyone want to clarify that for Claire? There is no right to marry the one you love. Doesn't exist. Are you claiming that a gay man can't love a woman? And since when did love and sex become conjoined? Totally separate concepts, last time I checked. I've had sex with lots of people (all women) that I didn't love. I've loved people and never had sex with them.
No one is denying you the right to marry the person you love though. What if you loved someone and wanted to marry them but were told you can't because some socks and sandles disagreed.
Professur said:
Anyone want to clarify that for Claire? There is no right to marry the one you love. Doesn't exist. Are you claiming that a gay man can't love a woman? And since when did love and sex become conjoined? Totally separate concepts, last time I checked. I've had sex with lots of people (all women) that I didn't love. I've loved people and never had sex with them.

Okay then.... mutual love and desire to marry

I'm claiming that a gay couple wishing to marry will love each other in the same way as you and your wife and me and my husband to be... the difference is in terms of rights is that you and I can follow our hearts emotionally, religiously and culturally... they as yet... can not. :shrug:
ClaireBear said:
Okay then.... mutual love and desire to marry

I'm claiming that a gay couple wishing to marry will love each other in the same way as you and your wife and me and my husband to be... the difference is in terms of rights is that you and I can follow our hearts emotionally, religiously and culturally... they as yet... can not. :shrug:

I highly doubt that you will love anyone the way I love my wife. Beyond that. I'm certain that no gays can love each other as I love my wife. The physical chemistry simply isn't there. But then, none of that is legislated. What is legislated is the legal, and financial opportunities associated with marriage. I don't know if you've ever actually talked with a gay person before, but I have. The most prevailent reason for wanting gay marriage isn't "to marry the one they love". It's to claim insurance benefits, pensions, etc. Things that are improved for married people (to counter the higher cost of living associated with raising a family) compared to single people.
Professur said:
I'm certain that no gays can love each other as I love my wife. The physical chemistry simply isn't there.

How would you know unless you are gay? I know your not going to extremes but that kind of thinking isn't a million miles away from the Nazi's killing millions who they felt were less human than they were.

I don't know if you've ever actually talked with a gay person before, but I have.

Ive even seen one aswell, they aren't the loch ness monster or aliens prof. heterosexual people also want financial security in a marriage.
Professur said:
I highly doubt that you will love anyone the way I love my wife.

Presumptious today Prof... and kinda scathing... Y-fronts in a knot?

I'm certain that no gays can love each other as I love my wife. The physical chemistry simply isn't there.

And you know that how? From prejudice and loathing?

I don't know if you've ever actually talked with a gay person before, but I have. The most prevailent reason for wanting gay marriage isn't "to marry the one they love". It's to claim insurance benefits, pensions, etc. Things that are improved for married people (to counter the higher cost of living associated with raising a family) compared to single people.

So thats why so many gay couples go through a non-legal "binding/coupling" ceremony as similar to marriage as they can get... to get the benefits... Oh wait... that doesn't tally because its not legal so they won't get that...

Admit it Prof .. you're about as enlightened as the next 30-odd year old man about homosexuality... meaning not very but full of biggoted assumption
Lopan said:
How would you know unless you are gay? I know your not going to extremes but that kind of thinking isn't a million miles away from the Nazi's killing millions who they felt were less human than they were.

It's nothing to do with that. It's simply biology. Pheremons, instinct, and all that fun evolutionary stuff, that gays simply can't manage. Gays can love each other all they want. It simply isn't possible for them to manage anything similar to what I have.

Lopan said:
Ive even seen one aswell, they aren't the loch ness monster or aliens prof. heterosexual people also want financial security in a marriage.

So does every single straight person too. I've dealt with companies that gave better working hours to married people. More odd hours and overtime to singles. It's been argued time and time again. Married people have more to deal with. Now the "gay" card gets flashed, and suddenly its a whole new argument. No. It isn't. It's the same damn argument that's been going on for centuries. If there's to be a next generation, married couples are gonna have to provide it. And financially, that's a heavier burden. Therefore, I get benefits that singles don't. Gay couples can love each other as much as they want. Financially, they're roommates.
ClaireBear said:
Admit it Prof .. you're about as enlightened as the next 30-odd year old man about homosexuality... meaning not very but full of biggoted assumption

Ah, claire. There you go again. No, I'm not bigotted. I'm informed. I've worked with gays before. I've worked for gays before. I even have gay friends. None of that matters a whit.
Not unless they adopt. Apart from the biology of having children, the relationship will be no different.

They can even have children through surrogate parents.
Professur said:
Ah, claire. There you go again. No, I'm not bigotted. I'm informed. I've worked with gays before. I've worked for gays before. I even have gay friends. None of that matters a whit.

Why does that statement make me shiver...

It sounds so... "Look at me I socialise with "that kind of people" I speak the truth"

The operative word is "people" John... and just as straight couples will get wed for convenience more than love or rather hurry it along.. say for example when one joins the armed forces to get better housing... so will gay couples and just as straight couples marry for love so will gay couples...

The only thing thats stopping gay marriage becoming legal is the Church... but seriously... how many straight couples today take their vows religiously or even seriously as the divorce rates prove?! :shrug:

Why get all angsty over it?... I readily admit I'm a product of a PC upbringing and have very pro views concerning gender, race and sexuality but I really don't see that as a bad thing... :shrug:
Lopan said:
If its not a right then what is it? I have the right to get married if I want, shouldn't mean that my brother (who is gay) shouldn't also have that right. Do unto others and all that jazz.

You have a right to get married? Do you use the spiked or non-spiked club?
Lopan said:
They can even have children through surrogate parents.


Oh look, now we have 3 adults who can't do the right thing & one child stuck with their selfish actions.
Gonz said:
I can't take it's DENIED

Thank you... if you could also go back and correct all the others for me and give me the correct spellings for anything I've highlighted with (sp?!) or (spelling?) that'd be great too... only 1386 posts to go through!

Shame you couldn't find anything more constructive to comment upon in my post other than the fact I find spelling rather more difficult than most. :shrug:
Gonz said:

Oh look, now we have 3 adults who can't do the right thing & one child stuck with their selfish actions.

Could be worse, the parents could be reactionary lunatics filling their childs minds with subjective hate.
ClaireBear said:
Thank you... if you could also go back and correct all the others for me and give me the correct spellings for anything I've highlighted with (sp?!) or (spelling?) that'd be great too... only 1386 posts to go through!

Shame you couldn't find anything more constructive to comment upon in my post other than the fact I find spelling rather more difficult than most. :shrug:

I assume most misspellings are due to carelessness, not ignorance. You've written this word, repeatedly, incorrectly.