Since when do you have any rights?


Southern Discomfort

Latino activists in California say the Escondido city council's vote to support the creation of a state police agency to monitor the border for illegal activity is divisive and racist, reports the North County Times.

Literally dozens of protestors packed into a city council meeting in Escondido to protest it's vote to support for a ballot initiative that would create a new police force to target illegal immigration.

Protestors held up signs stating in Spanish that the city councilwoman who sponsored the measure, Marie Waldron, was violating the civil rights of Mexicans. They called for her resignation.


I'm sorry, did someone ask you how we should run our country? You are not a citizen. Your opinion is meaningless. Sit down, shut the fuck up, and be glad we didn't have a paddy wagon outside the door to haul your ass back where you belong. I don't go to Mexico and tell you how things are going to be, and I be damned if you'll come here and tell me.
That's the problem of having an overly complex law system.

Over here they won't even listen to the mexicans, I doubt they'd listen to aliens. :lol:
Bobby Hogg said:
Is this police force going to target the businesses that employ illegal immigrants?

Aren't businesses already policed? I thought you had to prove that it was legal for you to work in the US?
Sure they do.

These businesses also pay taxes.

Illegal aliens don't. They only take.

I have no rights in Mongolia as I sit here right now. Hence, I let the Mongolians run Mongolia. Mexicans have no rights here unless and until they become citizens. And unless and until they do, they need to shut the fuck up. The only thing we owe them is a free ride across the border. The carpool leaves my front yard in three hours. Come one, come all.
"violating the civil rights of Mexicans"

S and Pepe

there is only one class of American that don't have it's
'civil' rights protected and it ain't the Gheys the Blacks
er the mess-kins yep you guessed it it is the evil White boi's
SouthernN'Proud said:
Sure they do.

These businesses also pay taxes.

Illegal aliens don't. They only take.

I have no rights in Mongolia as I sit here right now. Hence, I let the Mongolians run Mongolia. Mexicans have no rights here unless and until they become citizens. And unless and until they do, they need to shut the fuck up. The only thing we owe them is a free ride across the border. The carpool leaves my front yard in three hours. Come one, come all.

The businesses save money and take away money from legal citizens by taking on illegal immigrants and paying them less than legal workers. It is illegal on both sides, but the fact of the matter is, and this is indisputable, is that if no one was willing to employ illegal immigrants they would not come looking for work.

Additionally, I would suggest that quite a bit of the US' economy actually relies on illegal staff, otherwise it would collapse trying to pay more money to lazy Americans to do jobs they see as beneath them. as white as they come...never been discriminated against...never been denied a job i was qualified for...never been rejected from the expensive private college...never been denied a loan.

Joe Walsh said:
Life's been to me so far...
rrfield said:
never been rejected from the expensive private college....
Are you sure?
Last year for the first time, women earned more than half the degrees granted statewide in every category, be it associate, bachelor, master, doctoral or professional.
...Last year, 30% of the students were boys. This fall, that has inched up to 34%, but only because "we actually did a little affirmative action," ...

USA Today
Out of high school I applied to 3 colleges...Indiana, Purdue and Rose Hulman (Rose = top 5 engineering school, $28,000 per year in 1998). I was accepted into all three. So yea, I am sure I have never been rejected from the expensive private college.
They are illegal. Therefore they can whine and complain but we dont have to give two shits and a fuck
freako104 said:
They are illegal. Therefore they can whine and complain but we dont have to give two shits and a fuck
Actually it didn't say the people protesting were illegal or not citizens. That was an assumption by SnP.
flavio said:
Actually it didn't say the people protesting were illegal or not citizens. That was an assumption by SnP.

A safe bet too. Mexicans, in California (and increasingly elsewhere) are typically illegal. The signs (in Spanish instead of English-the official language of California) said Mexicans..not Mexican-Ameican.

Some audience members held signs stating in Spanish that Waldron was against human rights for Mexicans and urging the community not to support her. Protesters left the chambers calling for Waldron's resignation.
Gonz said:
A safe bet too. Mexicans, in California (and increasingly elsewhere) are typically illegal. The signs (in Spanish instead of English-the official language of California) said Mexicans..not Mexican-Ameican.
It's certainly possible that every last one of the protestors were illegal. Many legal Mexican-Americans also speak primarily Spanish though. Hell, we have street signs in Chinese in Oakland's Chinatown. Also, the signs mentioned violating the civil rights of Mexicans, they didn't say the people holding them were Mexicans.