Since when do you have any rights?

flavio said:
Manuals, school books (for colleges at least), and store items are are not typically taxpayer items. In this case the manufacturer of the item can sell more of the tiem if they put in another language. It's their call though.

:grinno: I'm talking things like the driver's manual that you, so far, have ignored. Getting those things printed is not free, and it does cost the taxpayer money. Whether the state recoups the loss on the sale of said manuals, or not, it still costs to have them printed. Did you also know that if a person cannot read the manuals in any of the languages printed, the state may have to print the manual in a language said complaintant can read?

As for schoolbooks and store items, you pay for those, too, by paying more at the cash register.

flavio said:
What does this "national identity" have to do with what I typed?

Everything. When people emigrated here, most came to become part of 'the American Dream'. Now...explain to me why their children are embracing the very cultures that their parents left...I'm interested in your theory.

flavio said:
Would you do away with the Chinatown's alltogether if it was up to you?

Not at all. Just the idea of funding it with public money.
Why shouldn't they embrace their own culture? Cultures are not a threat to each other unless they are at war.

Embracing your culture and your heritage is your responsibility. If a person wishes to embrace the culture of their ancestors, that is their perogative. It is not threat to you or your way of life.

Again, the biggest threat to cultural diversity is free trade and globalisation, capitalism.
Bobby Hogg said:
Why shouldn't they embrace their own culture? Cultures are not a threat to each other unless they are at war.

Embracing your culture and your heritage is your responsibility. If a person wishes to embrace the culture of their ancestors, that is their perogative. It is not threat to you or your way of life.

Again, the biggest threat to cultural diversity is free trade and globalisation, capitalism.

I agree with this whole heartedly
Gato_Solo said:
:grinno: I'm talking things like the driver's manual that you, so far, have ignored.
No, i've told you several times I hope their printed in enough languages for all the taxpayers to read.

As for schoolbooks and store items, you pay for those, too, by paying more at the cash register.
Businesses can print in other languages if they think they will sell more because of it. There's no reason it would have to increase the price.

Everything. When people emigrated here, most came to become part of 'the American Dream'. Now...explain to me why their children are embracing the very cultures that their parents left...I'm interested in your theory.
That's easy, they can have the American Dream and still embrace their cultural heritage.

Not at all. Just the idea of funding it with public money.
The city obviously makes far more money from tourism in Chinatown then it ever cost them to make a few signs. Good business decision on the city's part.
flavio said:
No, i've told you several times I hope their printed in enough languages for all the taxpayers to read.

Try getting the German drivers manual...from a German DMV...printed in English, Spanish, or any one of those other languages. Yes...people from other countries live and work in Germany, too.

flavio said:
Businesses can print in other languages if they think they will sell more because of it. There's no reason it would have to increase the price.

Guess economics and finance are not in you realm of existence. You print for the masses. In the US, the masses speak English, and any other language you print is going to cost more, simply due to the volume of sales. That means, in order to keep all costs the same, you must spread that extra cost onto all consumers. Any idiot knows that.

flavio said:
That's easy, they can have the American Dream and still embrace their cultural heritage.

Yep. But by choosing to keep their "cultural heritage", they do not enter the mainstream, and thus are keeping themselves insular. By coddling that xenophobic nature, you create an underclass. But...then again...that's what the desire is, right? An entire class of people, relegated to the bottom of society who are only fit for menial tasks and picking fruit...

flavio said:
The city obviously makes far more money from tourism in Chinatown then it ever cost them to make a few signs. Good business decision on the city's part.

Once again, the point is missed.
Gato_Solo said:
Yep. But by choosing to keep their "cultural heritage", they do not enter the mainstream, and thus are keeping themselves insular. By coddling that xenophobic nature, you create an underclass. But...then again...that's what the desire is, right? An entire class of people, relegated to the bottom of society who are only fit for menial tasks and picking fruit...

So "Irish-Americans" who celebrate St. Patrick's Day are relegated to picking potatoes? "German-Americans" who celebrate Oktoberfest are relegated to getting wasted and eating chocolate? "Polish-Americans" are relegated to planning weddings and gathering 99 of their friends to screw in light-bulbs?

Sorry, don't buy it.
Gato_Solo said:
Yep. But by choosing to keep their "cultural heritage", they do not enter the mainstream, and thus are keeping themselves insular. By coddling that xenophobic nature, you create an underclass. But...then again...that's what the desire is, right? An entire class of people, relegated to the bottom of society who are only fit for menial tasks and picking fruit...

I don't see this. What is the mainstream? White, middle class? What exactly defines that particular culture? What customs does it possess, other than those borrowed from North European culture?

The USA is a mongrel country. There is room enough for any culture as long as people realise that other people's cultures are not a threat to their own.

It's also slightly ironic that people would debate the use of a foreign language in a state with a Spanish name, with most of its major cities also having Spanish names, which was previously own and colonised by a Spanish-speaking state.
Bobby Hogg said:
I don't see this. What is the mainstream? White, middle class? What exactly defines that particularly culture?
Obviously they should all become overweight white self-righteous christian Starbucks-drinking Gap-wearing Wal Mart shoppers.
flavio said:
Hopefully enough that all taxpayers can read it.

By that faulty logic, it's time for California to put all signs in enough languages that all taxpayers can read it. Hey, what abut the non-taxpayer using the roads?

Maybe, just maybe we should require all motor vehicle operators in the United States to speak & read english.
flavio said:
Obviously they should all become overweight white self-righteous christian Starbucks-drinking Gap-wearing Wal Mart shoppers.

Glad to see you're still a bigot.
Gonz said:
By that faulty logic, it's time for California to put all signs in enough languages that all taxpayers can read it. Hey, what abut the non-taxpayer using the roads?

Maybe, just maybe we should require all motor vehicle operators in the United States to speak & read english.
By that faulty logic you would think not being able to speak the official language somehow made you incapable of operating a vehicle. If I drive into Mexico or Quebec I suddenly don't understand how my car works?
If you drive in Mexico & can't understand the traffic signs & have an accident, you're SOL :shrug: