Sits back, lights a cigar.

Sexual favours can go up as well as down .... current rate of exchange 2.5 sexual favours per karma point.

yes, perhaps we could arrange this - you are taking a month off this year to travel aren't you? :D

Good to see you BoP! :kiss:

(Inky - 500,000 karma - and still only six pips????) :eek5:

what gives?
Now god dammit. Who smoked all the cigars. I leave you people alone for a few months and see what I get! There damn well better be beer in the fridge, and none of that Stag shit that Gonz drinks either....

*MrBishop hands PT a Romeo & Julietta, and a cutter.
Captain Carrot begs to differ ..oh most nublile New Zealander you :kiss:

you are thinking of strangely-shaped brussels surely???


Best, BB xx

(no karma points intended :D - settle on 2.25???) :D

-heh, it's really good to see you on form BoP! xxx (genuinely)

:rofl: A propos statment if I've ever heard one :)

it seems i must 'whore before' .... but that really made me laugh! :grinyes: (thanx birthday boy!)

(btw kids - whoring is not a good idea ... )

hah! - thanks for the laugh!

Best tho' - BB
