It has
everything to do with
morality, my bet is you are an amoral person!
Yep I can guess that you are one of those who bends the rules to fit whatever you think is right, is OK
Professur said:
Because any change to any existing law sets a legal precedent for the law to be challenged by anyone else who chooses to.
That's the truth behind this whole attack on morality. It is the desire of people to make their immoral behavior OK.
It is the fudge packers and carpet munchers wanting society to acknowledge that their abby-normal behavior is normal.
That normal people are the ones that are wrong for calling a spade a spade.
Marriage is for raising kids, not providing societal sanction for aberrant behavior.
Hey it is a short slide down the slope, if I wanted to marry a 14 year old gurl to make babies what’s wrong with that?
The plookers can't reproduce while packin' fudge
Butt I can inpreggers your teenage daughter and make a wee tot, so it should be OK Right?
So whuts the problema with a middle-aged man rammin’ it up the poop chute
of an under age boi? Wouldn’t that be discrimination against a protected
sub-class (sub-human in my book)?
no - Leslie