Inkara1 said:If it's the cable box then $5 says it was either Motorola or Scientific Atlanta.
Motorola is a big name, they'll do
Inkara1 said:If it's the cable box then $5 says it was either Motorola or Scientific Atlanta.
SouthernN'Proud said:And I see a 1966 Fairlane in mint condition parked outside it...
Wow, is there anything you guys don't sue for? Over here if your house burns down the insurance pays. I've never heard of anyone sueing cos the tv box caught fire, but then I don't know anyone whose house burnt down either, so maybe they do, I dunno.Nixy said:You see if you purposely burn down your house you go to JAIL, you do NOT get to sue a big company and then get a car...ooooh I hope it was a sony or some other big name![]()
- On a massage chair: "Do not use massage chair without clothing... and never force any body part into the backrest area while the rollers are moving"
- On an electric router made for carpenters: “This product not intended for use as a dental drill”
- A warning label found on a baby stroller cautions the user to “Remove child before folding”
- A prescription of sleeping pills stating, “Warning: May cause drowsiness”
- A sticker on a toilet at a public facility warning: “Recycled flush water unsafe for drinking”
- A snowblower warning: "Do not use snowthrower on roof"
- On a dishwasher: "Do not allow children to play in the dishwasher"
- Unusual warning on a CD player: “Do not use the Ultradisc2000 as a projectile in a catapult.”
- An “Aim-n-Flame” fireplace lighter cautions, “Do not use near fire, flame or sparks”
- A label on a hand-held massager advises consumers not to use “while sleeping or unconscious”
- On a container of underarm deodorant: “Caution: Do not spray in eyes”
- On a cartridge for a laser printer: “Do not eat toner”
- A household iron warns users: “Never iron clothes while they are being worn”
- A label with a hair dryer reads, “Never use hair dryer while sleeping”
- A 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow warns: “Not intended for highway use”
- A cardboard car sunshield that keeps sun off the dashboard warns, “Do not drive with sunshield in place”
- On a Bathroom Heater: “This product is not to be used in bathrooms”
- A can of self-defense pepper spray warns users: “May irritate eyes”
- A warning on a pair of shin guards manufactured for bicyclists: “Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover”
- A popular manufactured fireplace log warns: “Caution - Risk of Fire”
- A box of birthday cake candles says: “DO NOT use soft wax as ear plugs or for any other function that involves insertion into a body cavity.”
Gonz said:Do you ever live in the present world?
Gonz said:Lincoln is related to Ford BTW
Not even close for me.Inkara1 said:That would almost make me consider burning down my house.
catocom said:Not even close for me.
I've got stuff I wouldn't even remember to put on the ins. report, (or that they don't cover)
that's worth least sentimentally.
SouthernN'Proud said:(Plus, this coming from a man who refuses to acknowledge Brian Johnson's AC/DC albums...)
SouthernN'Proud said:I had the game ball from my last game. Family photos, keepsakes (I was the unofficial family historian, and as such, I had Gramma's family Bible) documents, sentimental items, high school yearbooks, Gramma's hand stitched and hand quilted quilts from the 1940s...poof. All of the housebrat's school photos, baby pictures...poof. I had a coffee mug from every place I had ever worked that made mugs. Poof. I'll have a hard time getting another autographed KISS poster, especially since Eric Carr is dead now.
Gonz said:Well, yea. Have you ever heard Brian Johnson?
greenfreak said:A lesson indeed. I think we have enough to warrant apartment insurance, which is fairly cheap. It's just getting there and doing it. I wonder if they would want appraisals on jewelry and crystal and all that stuff before writing the policy.
Renters insurance is for the value of what's contained inside, not liability I thought? If I'm the one who slips on the walk, I'm suing the house owner, not the tenant, right?HomeLAN said:GET RENTER'S INSURANCE! It's not replacement value of your stuff you worry about, althought that helps. It's liability. Someone slips on a wet/icy front walk and your ass is sued. It'd be nice to have the insurance co. in line in front of you.