so i got called a communist.


New Member
and i am not knowledgable enough about it to argue. i think i may be...they got some kind of home communist test on the market?
my google is gone. i can't find anywhere.....(psst...roll with me ori, i'm trying to make conversation...)
oh communists are EVIL so you shall be condemmened to hell!

at least thats what my ex girlfriend/nunn would say to you :p
Oricon said:
oh communists are EVIL so you shall be condemmened to hell!

at least thats what my ex girlfriend/nunn would say to you :p
why? what's so wrong with it? do they eat children?
No i think they use whips on people... not to hurt them but for pleasure and some people don't like that *nods*
are you trying to say that communists are kinky? i don't think that was why i was called a communist...hell, maybe it was.
Buttcrackdivine said:
The true intent of communism hasn't been put into practice to this day.
in my feeble understanding of the matter, communism can only work in small groups, ie. communes.
Well i would be kinky with someone but alass.... I'm still virgin and living 1000 miles away from the my girl