so i got called a communist.

in my feeble understanding of the matter, communism can only work in small groups, ie. communes.
Communes (at least the way they are run in America) are not communist. Capitalist in fact. In reality, communism cannot work. People are not hardwired to act like termites.
but don't you see a small amount of "communism" in tight knit communities? what do they say? to each, according to their needs. from each, according to their abilities? something like that. the barter system, etc.
chcr said:
Communes (at least the way they are run in America) are not communist. Capitalist in fact. In reality, communism cannot work. People are not hardwired to act like termites.

It would be interesting to see it in action as Karl Marx had planned it know sans evil, pompous leader...feasible or not it maybe as a pragtamistic approach to a governing body.
chcr said:
Communes (at least the way they are run in America) are not communist. Capitalist in fact. In reality, communism cannot work. People are not hardwired to act like termites.

China seems to have managed so far
bleach said:
China seems to have managed so far

China is more like a lizard when it comes to governing policies. There economy is captilist, their society socialist and governing body Communist...Brutal they are but after all human rights they strip away from their workers they gain terrible effiency.
Buttcrackdivine said:
China is more like a lizard when it comes to governing policies. There economy is captilist, their society socialist and governing body Communist...Brutal they are but after all human rights they strip away from their workers they gain terrible effiency.

Yeah, but their sweatshops built the US economy.......capatalism usees why worry?
bleach said:
Yeah, but their sweatshops built the US economy.......capatalism usees why worry?

Like i said...they have gained terrible effiency. They are forcasted to out do US economy in about 10 years or so therefore becoming the most profitable nation on Earth.

Captilism doesn't neccessarily use communism...captilism is horrible enough on it's on. Those sweat shops run because of captilistic ideals seeped into the buisness aspects of Chinese economy...they run because they are winning the war on effiency, even at the cost of human rights and freedom violations.

Us has plenty sweat shops of it's own but yet it still stays a democracy.
China seems to have managed so far
You ever read the manifesto? China is patently not communist. Calling me Susy won't make me a girl, either. :)

Cuba comes a little closer, but not much.
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" just won't work in human society. Too many greedy, too many power hungry, too much laziness.
bleach said:
three words..





Sorry if that came off as sarcastic..i was just agreeing with see China, Russia and Cuba are very petty excuses for a communist society...the concept of communism has been very skewed by these nations.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Sorry if that came off as sarcastic..i was just agreeing with see China, Russia and Cuba are very petty excuses for a communist society...the concept of communism has been very skewed by these nations.

tonks said:
to each, according to their needs. from each, according to their abilities?

More single answers. Simply, give a man a fish-he eats for a day. teach a man to fish, he never goes hungry.
bleach said:
China seems to have managed so far

He was shot the next day ;)
Gonz said:
More single answers. Simply, give a man a fish-he eats for a day. teach a man to fish, he never goes hungry.

But he may ask for $6.75 for said fish.......and you'll pay $8 for fishsticks:)
Gonz said:

He was shot the next day ;)

And in the US he would have been arested for Jaywalking (and when he was released he would have been branded as a concientious objector and had his his welfare rights revoked)