So, is there any word...

Well, considering that most of the BBQ was spent sitting around, shooting the shit and marveling at how hard GM makes it to service anything on a minivan... I don't think a lack of tourist traps will be that big of a deal.

Only one bathroom might be a deal-breaker though... unless you've got some bushes in the back yard that would work.
Bushes? He has the entire Cherokee National Forest just down the road.
Inkara1 said:
Well, considering that most of the BBQ was spent sitting around, shooting the shit and marveling at how hard GM makes it to service anything on a minivan... I don't think a lack of tourist traps will be that big of a deal.

Only one bathroom might be a deal-breaker though... unless you've got some bushes in the back yard that would work.

I can borrow the porta-potty for the trailer again.
Gonz said:
Bushes? He has the entire Cherokee National Forest just down the road.

*ahem* Across the road...

Here's the logistics in these parts. Then y'all can decide if it's still appealing.

I live in the sticks. It's 25 minutes to town if you know where you're going. Most folks from town are afraid to be back here after dark, and that is not an exaggeration.

We got the one crapper. If anyone is planning to bed down here on the spread, camper or otherwise, that means one shower with the capacity for hot water that one water heater can produce.

The house is far from modern, and far from ideal state of repair. It is what it is...a 77 year old farmhouse that until we got here was inhabited by a family of cretins whose incompetence is the stuff of legend and would require the nonstop efforts of a score of bards to chronicle. We're working on it as fast as a cancer/pancreas patient and his wife can go, which ain't all that fast.

There ain't much in Greeneville. Some fast food joints, a WalFart, a couple decent Mom&Pop restaurants, a Waffle House (praise Jesus), and a road leading to bigger places.

Those are the "drawbacks".

I got a breathtaking view of the Appalachians directly across the road. I got 3 1/2 acres of elbow room. I got peace and quiet in abundance. We get the occasional bear and have heard panthers screaming from just over yonder. I can be hiking on the AT in 10 minutes, I can be trout fishing in mountain streams in 10 minutes. I have endless miles of trails and forestry service roads to explore, by foot or by truck. I'll have fresh vegetables in the garden and apples on the tree in season. I have plenty of yard room, some of it even shaded. The neighbors ain't got their noses in my business, nor mine in theirs. If you can kill it, I can grill it. We are within reasonable distance to the aforementioned attractions in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (beaucoup outlet shopping ladies...) for those with easily bored kids and deep pockets. Other possibilities would include Blowing Rock, NC, Bristol Motor Speedway if racin's yer bag, and Biltmore House & Gardens if anyone is interested in seeing a true American castle.

I hesitate to commit for two main reasons. One, I do not know what group "expectations" would be. Our space and resources are limited, and unless you are the outdoors type, there just ain't much in the way of diversion around here. Two, I have no idea what my health will be tomorrow much less next summer.

There ya have it. Google Greeneville TN if you like. It's the nearest town from here. I'd of course need to discuss anything with AE also.
Whall, housing's not much for me, I come self contained, including food. Personally, I'd rather go the route I took in GA of finding a reputable campground within about half an hour of the target. That gives us enough room to beg off daily visits without insult, but also to make daily visits if the want is there. Tall fences make good neighbours sorta thing. While I'm more likely to turn the entire thing into a leg of a bigger vacation, most folk will be land-BBQ-leave. Upon that, I don't really like leaving all the work to the hosts. The host has enough on his hands just paying the price for hosting with his loved ones. Granted it's tough for the visiting team to manage much in the manner of grocery shopping, But SL's managed to carry the ball nicely with his beef, and I can throw together a lasagna with nothing more than a Coleman. (before it's asked, I didn't make a lasagna in GA because I didn't want to kill Rob)

The only big hangup I can really see with the hillbilly hideaway is the lack of any secondary support. Ga had both Unc and HL within rock throwing distance, and Cat not an hour away. Bish and Paul/Uki doubled up too, and I was there to backstop any emergencies (Not that there were any). Unless someone's still on talking terms with TNproud2B, SnP's hanging a loaner.

So, where do we have larger concentrations of members? Members that most of us can reach?
There is a campground less than 15 minutes away, at a park complete with water slide, pool, putt putt golf, river access for fishing/boating, and the typical park stuff like volleyball, horse shoe pits, softball fields, all that.

Y'all really that eager to see the hillbilly side of life?
unclehobart said:
Clothed I hope.

I think the photos at HL's were more than enough. It'd be nice to have some more female mammbers there this time. (Yes Tonks was there, I know)
I can think of one other option, if SnP wants to front it. Depending on the campground's rules, I could host the second night's BBQ. If Bish is serious about going the camping route, that would put at least two of us as hosts.

But before it goes any further, I want to hear exactly 9 words from SnP. "I want to host the OTC BBQ in 2006." If he wants to host, we'll do what's necessary to make it happen. But I don't want him feeling pressured into it. If there's any doubt or hesitation, SnP, say no.

Alternately, you could put some folk to work and get some of the fix up run though in a hurry. Most people here know one end of a hammer from the other.
My concern is more for his health. If SnP hits a bad spell, he's gonna be miserable, AE is going to get stuck with this rowdy gang, and it ain't going to be much fun for either of them - with no other geographically convenient backup member.

Think hard about this one guys - I did it with a lot of help and it still wasn't incredibly easy. I sure as hell wouldn't hold it against anyone who didn't feel up to it. That said, it was also a blast, and I hope to make the next one.
It seems to me like he was volunteered and has already stated he won't commit due to health issues and also uncertainty of what is expected. I'd say if someone else is willing to VOLUNTEER then so be it. I don't know how SnP feels but it seems like he wouldn't have volunteered for it from what he's said.
I've been up there (to the area) many times & it has magnificent beauty & wonderful outdoors but it is small town America, at best. If Prof, or anybody else, wants to camp, there's plenty nearby BUT it'll have to be a non-holiday weekend, otherwise camping is a bigger headache than it's worth.
SouthernN'Proud said:
4 hours or more.


I'd be up for it myself, but can't make a commitment without Dara's okay.

We have 2 acres, including an area suitable for tents, two bathrooms, a guest room and a study (10X14), a fair sized patio and a cement pond (if I can get it cleaned up again after this years neglect). Thirty miles to Nashville. Oh, and multiple computers. ;)

Exercise equipment takes up some of the study.
We have dogs and cats.
Cleanliness may be next to godliness, I'm an atheist. :D

If SnP wants to have it, give it to him. I'm not sure I could convince Dara anyway, but I'll be happy to try if need be.
Gonz said:
Just you & 40 million of your closest driving buddies & one under construction interchange.
Well, you don't have to go to Nashville. Oh, and the construction areas change from week to week. I don't think they have any plan in mind, they're just trying to piss people off.