Well-Known Member
Would be interesting to overlay this graph with the same time periods for Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, etc....for comparison.
What did Bush's all time record disapproval suggest to you?
That 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 years of constant bad press & second guessing can make anyone look bad.
Actually the link clearly shows them going up and down. Not freefall as Cerise suggested.
What did Bush's all time record disapproval suggest to you?
Would be interesting to overlay this graph with the same time periods for Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, etc....for comparison.
That Obama will have to hurry to beat it -- and he is.
Right now, Obama is tracking almost exactly the same as Jimmy Carter in the same time period.
That 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 years of constant bad press & second guessing can make anyone look bad.
This is kinda interesting
You can also get details of each one here:
We're only 13% through it.Ronald Reagan may provide a closer parallel to Obama. Both took office as the nation's economy was in perilous times. Reagan was at 60% at six months, but his standing slipped below 50% by the end of his first year in office as the jobless rate swelled.
Bush didn't have an economic depression/recession to clean up from his predecessor.Not even close. On the comparison tab Eisenhower's numbers went North at the same time BH0's took a dump.
If you'll look at the chart 0bama has a lower approval rating than Bush had at his corresponding time period.
You seem to be overlooking the fact that historically at 7 months in prezSub-Zero should still be enjoying the public support he started off with.
The fact that Americans are starting to hold him accountable for the choices he has made since the inauguration has sent his approval ratings into the crapper.
There is an unlimited number of ignorant people out there who have no clue as to when that recession actually started. Otherwise they would not be blaming Bush.
The first quarter of negative real growth was actually the third quarter of 2000, under Bubba.
Bush didn't have an economic depression/recession to clean up from his predecessor.