"So mom, I don't mean to sound gay or anything ... "


Well-Known Member
yeah .. that's how my 17 year-old son began a conversation with me yesterday ... THAT was a waker-uper .... then he proceeds to tell me how he's *thinking* about getting his nipples pierced. "I think I'd look great", he says .. I'm just sitting there listening to him .. now, I don't have pierced nipples so I can't really say anything about it .. so I pick up my phone and call a friend who can give him the complete 411 on nipple piercing ... from the pain, the risks of infection, the risks of body surfing with a pierced nipple (and perhaps ending up with no nipple at all), etcetera, etcetera ...

I told him it's his decision, ultimately .. when he's 18 and pays for it. But it's something he'll have to live with.

The point? Don't freak out if your child starts a conversation with, "So, mom .. I don't mean to sound gay or anything.. " 'cause you just never know where it's going :D

Good god .. and he's the *good* one .... I'm in for such hell from the other two.. *sigh* ...

That was close.

I've thought about it but that's as far as I got. I'm pretty sensitive just getting pinched there and I'm a pretty big weenie. Don't think I could do it.
You might remind him of just how much pain he's in for if it gets ripped out in a moment of passion. Talk about a mood-breaker.
My parents started a conversation with me when i was about that age except it went something like this,

"Son, are you gay?"

I fucking freaked. Here's this poor insecure 16 year old boy who doesn't have any girlfriends because he's absolutely terrified of girls and his parents think he's gay. I could just see the look in my fathers eyes that was something like(i'm going to accept you son no matter what but PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE DON'T BE GAY!!). I had a fit and screamed at them for even thinking such a thing and still i could tell my dad was relieved. :D It took me a couple of years to get over that one.
I don't think I'd so-much mind the piercing bit, it's the after part. When it has to rub raw against the bra. I remember I paid hell when I got my tongue done, and it didn't even hurt at the time. :rolleyes:
You had such sensative parents Hex. They could said GET OUT!!!! and meant it.
Hubby got real sick awhile back (while he was still hubby that is). Turned out to be his nipple ring. Those worry me more than other piercings do. Always did, but more now.

The six year old wants his ear done for his birthday. I think I'm gonna let him do it.
Leslie said:
Hubby got real sick awhile back (while he was still hubby that is). Turned out to be his nipple ring. Those worry me more than other piercings do. Always did, but more now.

The six year old wants his ear done for his birthday. I think I'm gonna let him do it.

Leslie, 6 years old is a little young in my books. If he still wants one when he's 13 or something, then I'd go for it, but 6???
I've thought about that...cause seriously he's been on about this for a couple years now. I got mine for my 7th birthday...so I am ok with the age thing I *think*.

I figure at least at 7 I can control and monitor the 6 weeks of cleaning it and turning it 3 times a day...I don't see a 13 year old boy letting me fuss around like that.
He's your kid, but I believe I'd think twice before letting a 6 YO make a semi-permanent body change like that. Are you certain he's mature enough to remain happy with that call?
HomeLAN said:
He's your kid, but I believe I'd think twice before letting a 6 YO make a semi-permanent body change like that. Are you certain he's mature enough to remain happy with that call?
Nope, I'm not. That's why I gotta make it :lloyd:

I'm in the it'll grow over without too much problem/scar camp. But keep it comin, I have March to decide. I have no doubt though that this is still something he'll be asking for. He's dead serious about it, even after I overexaggerated the pain of it all.
I'd wait. I have hair down to my ass, 2 earrings & a tattoo.

I'll not allow my kid any of the above. No marine cuts mind you but reasonable. Earrings, while less distracting than they once were, are stil primarily a female accoutrement & may create problems leading to youth violence.

Na's kid, on the other hand, can kick her ass.
When they hit the point where they're old enough to hold a job and pay for it themselves, they can have it.

Until then, no fucking way in my house.
HomeLAN said:
When they hit the point where they're old enough to hold a job and pay for it themselves, they can have it.

Until then, no fucking way in my house.

I can remember the first place I had on my own...I called my parents, and told them I had all the lights on, and the door open with the A/C running...It was quite funny...until I got the bill. :eek: :lol2:
I remember being happy that I could stand and look into the fridge without being screamed at.
I had V2.0's ears done when she was 5. I sat down with her, explained all about it, and asked her if she wanted it done. She did, and I held her while she had them done. Even after the pain and tears after the first one, she still sat for the second. I don't think I've ever been as proud of her.

Her cousins, (2 boys, one girl) all have piercings. The boys got one ear done, together, when they were about 6 or so. The girl had hers done, shit, she couldn't have been 2. They didn't want her to remember the pain. Needless to say, I wasn't too impressed. But she's not the worse for it. But then, neither is V2.0.
It's just a little prick and not too much pain, that doesn't go on for a long time.

Girls should get used to phrases like that :D

Earrings are temporary changes...If my kid wanted them, he could have them. Tats on visible parts,scarification or permanent things... sorry buddy. You want to fuck up your life..do it AFTER you leave home.