So much for our humanity


Well-Known Member
So...MrsBish is pregnant and she's coming along just fine. She's got the belly, the glow and everything. So you would expect people to realize that she is pregnant and make whatever accomodations you would expect from the general populace. Time and again, when she's on the bus to work and back she tries to get a seat, but that's often not the case....time and again, when she gets on... the people in the seats take one glance and suddenly become very interested in everything but her. they stare at the ground, open magazines, look out the window.

Why? Well...its not that they can't look at pregnant women, it's that they don't want to give up their seats! Young, healthy adults and kids hogging the seats and so selfish that senoirs, people with injuries sporting canes and crutches, people with small children and babies etc. often get to stand up for the whole trip while those around them refuse to give up their chairs. There are a few bus drivers who will do something about it..providing that they notice. One, MrsBish tells me, stopped the bus and refused to move another inch until someone let the 70yr old with two canes have their seat.

Well...yesterday, MrsBish was standing up in the bus. Right in front of a 30-somthing woman (sitting). The 'belly' couldn't have been more than 5" from this woman's face...yet nothing. So when MrsBish felt dizzy, she was about to ask that this woman let her sit...but she passed out instead!

Luckily, she got caught by an off-duty fireman who happened to notice something amiss and moved fast enough. All of a sudden, people were getting defensive. "I didn't know that she was, she can have my seat!" and all that bullshit!

The fireman stayed with her until her stop, let her use his cel-phone so that I could meet her at the stop and helped her off the bus.

WTF is wrong with people who are so damn self-centred that they won't give up their seat? Hell...there are signs next to some seats saying that these are 'reserved' seats with priority to the elderly, infirm, pregnant etc... MrsBish was standing right in front of one when she passed out!

Fuckers!! The world's going to hell in a handbasket!
Why are you surprised? This is the way things have been moving for decades.

You're damn lucky the fireman was present.
Surprised? Nope....pissed off, yup!

I was raised to open doors for people, give up my seat, say 'please' and 'thank you' etc..

Chivalry and politeness shouldn't be a lost art!
It's a crying shame!
The Decline of Fill In The Blank Civilization. People have become so self centered, so short sighted, so afraid of every move they make. This is just one more manifestation of it. Had she gone into labor, most people wouldn't even have shuffled their feet so she could lie prone.

And y'all wonder why I keep adding blocks to the Rebel Roost?
Chivalry and politeness are to be found in more rural areas. The cities are compressed pockets of grumpy self-servitude.
Odd, doncha think, that the same places where you find chivalry and politeness are the places where you find opposition to gay marriage and abortions. Could there possibly be a link?
SouthernN'Proud said:
The Decline of Fill In The Blank Civilization. People have become so self centered, so short sighted, so afraid of every move they make. This is just one more manifestation of it. Had she gone into labor, most people wouldn't even have shuffled their feet so she could lie prone.

And y'all wonder why I keep adding blocks to the Rebel Roost?
What're the chances of building a small add-on? 2 adults, 2 kids :)
Professur said:
Odd, doncha think, that the same places where you find chivalry and politeness are the places where you find opposition to gay marriage and abortions. Could there possibly be a link?
I guess that I'd better change my mind about gay marraige and 'choice' then, eh?
I think that it has more to do with population density. Small towns, you know more of the people that you meet daily. Big cities, you're surrounded by strangers. Easier to be polite to people you 'know'.
I disagree. It's to do with "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me"

this is just another symptom of the same disease I've been talking about for years, pal. Nothing new here.
unclehobart said:
Chivalry and politeness are to be found in more rural areas. The cities are compressed pockets of grumpy self-servitude.
Yet again you have conveyed my exact thoughts. :D
That's why I'm house shopping for another place in the "country".
Professur said:
Odd, doncha think, that the same places where you find chivalry and politeness are the places where you find opposition to gay marriage and abortions. Could there possibly be a link?

I think it has more to do with different value systems. Having lived both in a major metropolitan area (Nashville), and in the middle of BFE, I know that there is a vast difference in neighbors.

I chose BFE. I never regretted it. Ain't even been back to Nashville for a visit in right at five years now, no plans any time soon.

Metro areas are by and large more "liberal" in their attitudes; more tolerent of those considered "outside the norm" in BFE. This would include homosexuals, corporate climbers, vocal athiests, or anyone else who doesn't fit into the more traditional moral climate in the sticks. In my long haired rock and roll days, I tasted the wrath frequently. By choice. I accepted the consequences of my choice.
Professur said:
I disagree. It's to do with "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me"

this is just another symptom of the same disease I've been talking about for years, pal. Nothing new here.
Didn't you just finish blaming 'lack of religious conviction' for all this?

*The majority of those who go against gay marriage and 'choice' tend to be on the religious moral right and often use their religious conviction as their moral compass*
*hmmm.... 12 posts and still nobody asked if MrsBish and the baby were OK*

**just saying is all...the argument precedes everything on here most days**
MrBishop said:
Didn't you just finish blaming 'lack of religious conviction' for all this?

*The majority of those who go against gay marriage and 'choice' tend to be on the religious moral right and often use their religious conviction as their moral compass*

Yet another symptom.
MrBishop said:
*hmmm.... 12 posts and still nobody asked if MrsBish and the baby were OK*

**just saying is all...the argument precedes everything on here most days**

since you didn't mention anything, it was assumed they were. Unless your arguement also precludes caring about her.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I think it has more to do with different value systems. Having lived both in a major metropolitan area (Nashville), and in the middle of BFE, I know that there is a vast difference in neighbors.

I've heard of BFN (Butt Fuck Nowhere) but BFE escapes me.
Professur said:
since you didn't mention anything, it was assumed they were. Unless your arguement also precludes caring about her.
Nope... I finished writing my piece. Hit post and before I could go back to talk about her health...we're all of a sudden talking about morals and the cause of the lack of it.

In answer...she's OK, but we'll be checking it out with the midwife within a day or two. Blood pressure etc..changes with pregnancy.