So much for the Korean cease-fire

Typical... some but-job threathening Bristol Palin is more comment-worthy than a continuation of a Korean war..with both North and South Korea holding nukes and your own Navy sitting in between the two.

Pass the beer nuts. DWtS is on.
We've been here before. We'll be here again (unless & until somebody decides to go back to actually winning wars)
We should declare one on the mexican border, canada too. We have to many bleeding hearts coming in from the north.

away with them.
Prof: Bet that you think that Israel doesn't have nukes too.

Even if SK doesn't have nukes of it's own, it can borrow to it's heart content from Big Bro.

Lets look beyond the SK/NK thing for a moment. The USA has declared that it stands shoulder to shoulder with SK. China has shown itself to be NKs biggest ally and supporter.

I have 3 words for y'all: War by proxy.
yeah i'll bet he doesn't think that.

you think we're really gonna nuke somebody on command from somebody who names his kids shit like "dong?"
Borrow a nuke .... ROFL. Yeah ... that and a cup of sugar. The US might place some nukes on their territory (like they used to have in Canada) but noone's thumb rides the button but their. As for them doing so .... given that they've already got half a dozen nuke armed subs within easy striking distance ... I sincerely doubt it.

Israel having nukes ... I'm fairly certain they do. If they weren't given them outright, stealing the tech is easily within their ability ... hell, they could easily have just stolen some from any one of half a dozen countries that have 'misplaced' ordinance.
It was “very, very bad behavior” for North Korea to fire artillery at South Korean soldiers and civilians on South Korea’s Yeonpyeong island, according to the U. S. Department of State.

North Korea needs a time out.
Truman's screw up still haunting us to this day.
Shoulda let Mac handle it back in the day.
Mighta saved 50,000 lives a decade later.