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Bambi being helpless...

Deer farmer killed in stag attack

A farmer has been gored to death by a stag in North Yorkshire.

Clifford Colling died at Moor Farm at Hunmanby Gap, near Filey after going to an enclosure where his deer were being kept during the rutting season.

Two concerned colleagues who went to look for him were also attacked by a stag. One of them suffered head, leg and arm injuries.

They found the 73-year-old's body after returning in a vehicle. The stag was shot dead by a police marksman.
Okay, but I still say sitting in a comfortable chair twelve feet in the air while you wait for the bucks to be attracted by the in season doe juice you spread all over the ground so you can shoot 'em is fishing, not hunting. :D
24 ft up, and I don't use that doe pee. I use apples and corn....
PuterTutor said:
Oh yeah, a buck that wants some is a dangerous animal.

For real. A friend of mine got this liquid that you put on, and it attract the bucks.
(female juices or something)
He got charged by a big buck and had to shoot while on the run. He shot it
3 times before killing it. He said he'd never use that stuff again.
Yeah it was really pretty funny, the part about him getting charged.
We made fun of him all day about what that buck coulda done to him,
thinking he was a doe. :lol2:

Hey, while I'm here, anyone bowhunt? I'm looking for pointers. (pardon the pun) I've finally got a couple of guys to hunt with next season, once they train up a bit.
PuterTutor said:
24 ft up, and I don't use that doe pee. I use apples and corn....

Still fishing. You're using bait and you aren't "hunting" for anything, are you?
chcr said:
Still fishing. You're using bait and you aren't "hunting" for anything, are you?

You try tracking a buck through scrub (lotsa noise), and getting close enough to it to get off a clean shot with a bow. You'd likely starve before you even get a glimpse of a doe, let alone a buck... :winkkiss:
Exactly. Although you do have a point, chcr. My FiL does stalk deer, but it has to be either raining or have a few inches of snow on the ground. One crunch of a leaf and a deer will vamoose. You have to realize I'm talking bow here where you have to be within 30 yards to get an effective shot, rifle hunting, I don't consider that hunting, that's just target practice.
chcr said:
Okay, but I still say sitting in a comfortable chair twelve feet in the air while you wait for the bucks to be attracted by the in season doe juice you spread all over the ground so you can shoot 'em is fishing, not hunting. :D


Gato said:
You try tracking a buck through scrub (lotsa noise), and getting close enough to it to get off a clean shot with a bow.

Mogollon Rim Arizona. Between the canyons. It was a sighted 30-30 but I've never sat in a stand & have no intention to ever do so.
PuterTutor said:
Exactly. Although you do have a point, chcr. My FiL does stalk deer, but it has to be either raining or have a few inches of snow on the ground. One crunch of a leaf and a deer will vamoose. You have to realize I'm talking bow here where you have to be within 30 yards to get an effective shot, rifle hunting, I don't consider that hunting, that's just target practice.

What pull's your bow? I'm assuming that you're using razor-tipped, but those damn things are heavy and I'd have one hell of an arced shot with my 30-60lb at 30 yards.
MrBishop said:
What pull's your bow? I'm assuming that you're using razor-tipped, but those damn things are heavy and I'd have one hell of an arced shot with my 30-60lb at 30 yards.

I've got a Merlin Storm, draw weight is right at 65 lbs, shoot 100 grain Montecs on Gold Tip Traditional Hunter carbon arrows. They leave the bow at about 315 feet per second. My drop between 20 and 30 yards is just over two inches, 20 to 40 it drops about 15 inches.
Gato_Solo said:
You try tracking a buck through scrub (lotsa noise), and getting close enough to it to get off a clean shot with a bow. You'd likely starve before you even get a glimpse of a doe, let alone a buck... :winkkiss:
1. I don't know anyone who hunts because they'd starve without it. ;) (What's hunted venison cost, about $150 a pound?)
2. You have described the exact difference, IMO, between hunting and fishing. Sorry, but if you use bait and sit in one place, that's fishing.
Main Entry: hunt
Pronunciation: 'hunt
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English huntian; akin to Old English hentan to seize
transitive senses
1 a : to pursue for food or in sport b : to manage in the search for game <hunts a pack of dogs>
I don't fish because it's boring. I don't hunt anymore because A. I don't like to freeze in the woods anymore and 2. Too many drunken idiots with weapons. :D

These of course are simply my opinions. You are welcome to your own, however wrong they may be. :lol:
chcr said:
1. I don't know anyone who hunts because they'd starve without it. ;) (What's hunted venison cost, about $150 a pound?)

These of course are simply my opinions. You are welcome to your own, however wrong they may be. :lol:

Context, chcr...stay in the context. I mentioned that, if you bowhunt, tracking is impossible during most of the hunting season. In that context, which I guess you ignored, my comment is 100% on target. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Context, chcr...stay in the context. I mentioned that, if you bowhunt, tracking is impossible during most of the hunting season. In that context, which I guess you ignored, my comment is 100% on target. ;)
Sorry, Gato, but I did bow hunt (also hunted with a shotgun a couple of years, till I got shot at). I stand by what I said. IMO, it's fishing, not hunting when you use bait and sit in one place. I don't consider that "sport" hunting and as I said before, I don't know anyone who hunts because they need the food. Tracking is pretty much never impossible although it can be quite difficult. There were only two years that I hunted with a bow that I didn't get a deer. Maybe they were more plentiful where I was. I'm sorry, but I have very strong feelings about this. It's not personal, I just have known a lot of people who consider themselves "mighty hunters" that I personally have a low opinion of. The whole point of hunting for me is "getting close enough to it to get off a clean shot with a bow." If you aren't going to track it, kill it, and clean it yourself, you might as well buy it from a store.
I disagree, bowhunting from a stand is not as simple as sitting there. You do tracking, before you put your stand up. You then put the stand in an area that you know the deer are going to be walking through, then you have to be very quiet, very precise, and take the shot.