so my kid finds this newt


Staff member
its name is Stumpy cause its tail is missing...and now along with 3 kids 2 cats a dog and 7 puppies, I am the proud new caretaker of a newt called Stumpy.

wtf am I supposed to do with it?!

Right now it is in a tank of about an inch and a half of water with a big rock/boulder.

You may need to come up with a new name,Newts will lose their tails in an attempt to distract/evade their attacker,the kids most likely picked it up by the tail and it came off and will grow back.Pet stores sell them so they could probaly help and I'm sure the Net has info .
I instantly thought of this Newt:


we were sitting here arguing cause he wanted me to ask you what to name the newt cause he liked your other post...and then i pop in here...and now he's gonna pee his pants laughing :rofl3:
A.B.Normal said:
You may need to come up with a new name,Newts will lose their tails in an attempt to distract/evade their attacker,the kids most likely picked it up by the tail and it came off and will grow back. . . .
N/P, just pull it off again when it grows back. :shrug:
errr...I think it's sadly too late.

Stumpy appears to have exited the aquarium. :blank:
my little cousin saved his allowance for like 6 months to buy this expensive ass newt thing, only to play around with it too much and have the tail come off. i laughed my ass off.
it was a false alarm! Stumpy has been found!!!

I guess it was in the dirt I'd put at the bottom of the tank. I sifted all through that too. Little bastit. :eek6:

I read up...they're only aquatic for a stage in their lives, so...since this one was found under a log nowhere near water, that's the kind of home I made for it. We'll see. I just need a shallow cup in there for it to drink.

It's been a lot of hours...I guess I should go do that :blank:
I did...till I found out it's a land newt :confuse3:

now there is a shallow cup of water in there, twice as long as it if it wants a drink or a dip, it can feel free :blank:
Hmmm...I seem to remember a spell

Eye of newt
Hair of dog
Tail of cat
Tongue of don't have any frogs. Too bad... :lol2: