so who gives to the...

rrfield said:
Isn't the Bible awesome, you can make it say whatever you want!

Yes, so I think I'll just follow my own judgement and take my chances at the end of all things. I'm sure there's a few passages in the Good Book that say to not be a complete patsy where charity is concerned.
Winky said:
Damn Uki that was way HARSH

what with the Christmas holydays cummin’ up, no less heh heh

I'm all for giving to proper charities that I know my money is going to a good cause. I even give away clothing that I won't be wearing anymore that is in good condition etc.

Christmas, HA! The holiday in my eyes has become nothing but a materialistic shmorgas borg. I can understand giving gifts and all for kids, that's to be expected, but it seems you can't even go into a store for something as simple as household detergent without waiting at a line up from hell from holiday shoppers. That, or you get into an argument because some jackass has nothing better to do and is frustrated.

I used to love Christmas, but it's not what it used to be. A time to be together with family and friends, enjoying the season, sitting by a fire, eating way too much, listening to Christmas carols and just having fun together.
Winky said:
People only give to 'charity'
to make themselves 'feel' better
and I feel fine, thank you very much.

Believe it or not some people give because it actually makes others feel better. Whether or not you know it there is great reward in meeting the needs of others.
sry dood it is simple basic psychology 101

but then again mebbe you have sumthin' thar

I guess there are people that 'feel good'

when they are given 'handouts'

but those would be JUST the people I'd not want to
give anything too

heh heh Gotcha there din eye?
Y'know, in my archery class, there are two people wheelchair-bound. Not handicapped, wheelchair-bound. They're among the best archers we have, and both medal often in competition. They both had troubles in life, and they both got over it, and on with living. I'll give my charity to groups that support people like them. Not whiners sitting at home waiting for a handout.
Professur said:
Y'know, in my archery class, there are two people wheelchair-bound. Not handicapped, wheelchair-bound. They're among the best archers we have, and both medal often in competition. They both had troubles in life, and they both got over it, and on with living. I'll give my charity to groups that support people like them. Not whiners sitting at home waiting for a handout.

You know perfectly well you're lumping people together. There are all sorts of worthwhile people that are helped by the salvation army and other groups. The guy that got me into computers about a decade ago is a 2x veitnam vet with a few purple hearts who landed home in San Fransisco in 69" and was beaten by hippies as a "warmonger/babykiller" so badly that it nearly killed him and who now lives on the street. If the man didn't have a bottle of vodka to cling too he would probably commit suicide he's so f*ed up. The simple fact is that this mans ability to live life with the rest of society has been destroyed. The sad thing is he's a very kind man and he's not lazy at all. He's just defeated. There are many of these people out there and it's not the same thing as someone that is too lazy to work. Now quit lumping.
..damn Canadians are all the same...
I've seen what percentage actually makes it to the needy. I give, where I
can see it working. It's much more satisfying.
If you're gonna give, don't give half-assed, do your homework.
HeXp£Øi± said:
You know perfectly well you're lumping people together. There are all sorts of worthwhile people that are helped by the salvation army and other groups. The guy that got me into computers about a decade ago is a 2x veitnam vet with a few purple hearts who landed home in San Fransisco in 69" and was beaten by hippies as a "warmonger/babykiller" so badly that it nearly killed him and who now lives on the street. If the man didn't have a bottle of vodka to cling too he would probably commit suicide he's so f*ed up. The simple fact is that this mans ability to live life with the rest of society has been destroyed. The sad thing is he's a very kind man and he's not lazy at all. He's just defeated. There are many of these people out there and it's not the same thing as someone that is too lazy to work. Now quit lumping.
..damn Canadians are all the same...

First off, I'm not a Canadian. I just live here.

Second, of course I'm lumping. I said earlier, if they were more selective about how they distribute, I'd be more inclined to give. I freely admit, this is a case of one bad apple spoiling the batch. But considering that I do give to other charities that are more selective, I don't feel the least guilt about not giving to this one. Personally, I'd rather withhold my charity from 10 worthies, than give one cent to an unworthy. That said, my charity will go to 10 worthies when I'm sure there won't be an unworthy. If the Army wants my donation that badly, they can clean up their act.