so who gives to the...

Professur said:
First off, I'm not a Canadian. I just live here.

Second, of course I'm lumping. I said earlier, if they were more selective about how they distribute, I'd be more inclined to give. I freely admit, this is a case of one bad apple spoiling the batch. But considering that I do give to other charities that are more selective, I don't feel the least guilt about not giving to this one. Personally, I'd rather withhold my charity from 10 worthies, than give one cent to an unworthy. That said, my charity will go to 10 worthies when I'm sure there won't be an unworthy. If the Army wants my donation that badly, they can clean up their act.

you need to make more cliffs :D
HeXp£Øi± said:
Believe it or not some people give because it actually makes others feel better. Whether or not you know it there is great reward in meeting the needs of others.

Yes, well said.

I usually drop some change if I have it, not to the salvation army yet, but to others. I also give blood frequently for the same reason.

I really hope your "damn Canadians are all the same" comment was a sarcastic remark after saying "Quit lumping".

I remember seeing donation boxes for hurricane Katrina everywhere, and if I recall correctly, we sent quite a bit down.
Uki Chick said:
Christmas, HA! The holiday in my eyes has become nothing but a materialistic shmorgas borg. I can understand giving gifts and all for kids, that's to be expected, but it seems you can't even go into a store for something as simple as household detergent without waiting at a line up from hell from holiday shoppers. That, or you get into an argument because some jackass has nothing better to do and is frustrated.

Any other time of the year I'll bitch and moan about lines but around Christmas I like seeing long lines because I know that atleast some of those people are buying gifts for their loved ones, gifts they'll adore, and that's worth waiting for :)

Man, I love buying stuff for my mom and brother...I started a bit to early this year though...I've spent $110 on my mom and about $55 on my bro already and everytime I go I see something else for them :D The feeling I get when buying all these things for them will only be surpassed by the feeling I'll get on Christmas morning when they open the gifts and I get to see how much they love them.

As for the original topic of giving to charities...I'm more inclined to give to women's shelters or to put a box together for my chuch to give to a family. Every year they pick so many families that really are poor and they release the # of kids, the age of the kids and whether it's mom, dad or both. Each family gets a number, each family member gets a number and then people take one person (ie child 2, family 1) and put a little box together for them of stuff that is on their wish list. The parents usually list soap, towels, sanitary items ect on their lists and the kids have colouring books, story books and sometimes a plush toy or something on theirs. Very simple, basic things and I enjoy putting the box together. Also, I've got no problem buying a homeless person a coffee or some food but I will not give them many people scam. If they are willing to accept food though they usually are actually hungry. It makes me sad when people have signs "will work for food, need to feed kids"
K62 said:
Yes, well said.

I usually drop some change if I have it, not to the salvation army yet, but to others. I also give blood frequently for the same reason.

I really hope your "damn Canadians are all the same" comment was a sarcastic remark after saying "Quit lumping".

I remember seeing donation boxes for hurricane Katrina everywhere, and if I recall correctly, we sent quite a bit down.

No, i really do think Canadians are all the same. :D
I donate to the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) just about every year. This year, my charity of choice happens to be the Lupus Foundation, because over 80 cents of every dollar I give goes to medical research. I don't think that anyone working for a charity deserves more than 20 cents of every dollar given...
Nixy said:
Do you guys WANT me to start generalizing about Americans?? Cause I could do it...

no :mad: since what is there to make fun of americans about, there is a whole barrel of worms i can pull out about candians :D :D
Gato_Solo said:
I donate to the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) just about every year. This year, my charity of choice happens to be the Lupus Foundation, because over 80 cents of every dollar I give goes to medical research. I don't think that anyone working for a charity deserves more than 20 cents of every dollar given...

good :swing:
HeXp£Øi± said:
No. I met two Canadians once and they were the same.

I'm Kidding!. :buck:

You better hope you're kidding! :D

As to the topic, I never said I don't give either, but like Prof said, I'll give where I know my money is going for some good. I have a kids charity that I give to every year. It sponsors children to go to outings that their parent's can't afford to take them on. It buys them toys for the holidays, things like that are well worth my money.
Uki Chick said:
You better hope you're kidding! :D

As to the topic, I never said I don't give either, but like Prof said, I'll give where I know my money is going for some good. I have a kids charity that I give to every year. It sponsors children to go to outings that their parent's can't afford to take them on. It buys them toys for the holidays, things like that are well worth my money.

you have no powers :p
Sally Ann's alternative gets my used clothes, furniture, books etc... but not my money. I can't afford to give cash.

When I give to charities, I give of my time and skills. Right now, and for the past few years, the Missing Children's Network gets my time and some pro bono work for their printed materials.